QuickBooks Link

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Using the Commit-QuickBooks Link you can run your computer services business more efficiently. It was designed to simplify routine business, accounting and financial management tasks. With the Commit-QuickBooks Link, you only need to enter data once and it will appear in both Commit and QuickBooks. This feature not only saves you the time of manually entering data, but it also minimizes the problems of duplicate, redundant and wrong data common to manual data entry. Now you can synchronize your data between Commit and QuickBooks and ensure data accuracy, enhance your flexibility, and increase your control over your bottom line.

This user manual will help you use the features included in the Commit-QuickBooks Link module.

The Commit-QuickBooks Link includes the following features:


  • Import all your QuickBooks Customers into Commit
  • Changes made to QuickBooks Customers can be synchronized with Commit
  • Create a new Customer in QuickBooks based on a selected Commit Account
  • Create links between existing Commit Accounts and QuickBooks Customers to automate synchronization between them
  • Send and receive updates for selected Accounts/Customers


  • Import all your QuickBooks Vendors into Commit
  • Changes made to QuickBooks Vendors can be synchronized with Commit
  • Create a new Account in Commit based on a selected QuickBooks Vendor
  • Create a new Vendor in QuickBooks based on a selected Commit Account
  • Create links between existing Commit Accounts and QuickBooks Vendors to automate synchronization between them
  • Send and receive updates for selected Accounts/Vendors


  • Import any/all of the following QuickBooks Items into Commit:
    • Service Items => Labor Items in Commit
    • Inventory Parts => Products/Parts in Commit
    • Non-Inventory Parts => Products/Parts in Commit
    • Inventory Assembly Items => Products/Parts in Commit
    • Other Charge Items => Expenses in Commit
  • Changes made to QuickBooks Items can be synchronized with Commit
  • Create a new Item in Commit based on a selected QuickBooks Item
  • Create a new Item in QuickBooks based on a selected Commit Item
  • Create links between existing Commit Items and QuickBooks Items to automate synchronization between them
  • Send and receive updates for selected Items


  • Generate QuickBooks invoices based on charges entered in Commit
  • Generate invoices at different levels:
    • Account - Invoices generated at the Account level may include any charges linked to this account, its contracts and tickets.
    • Contract - Generating an invoice at the Contract level may include only charges which are linked to this specific contract
    • Ticket - Generating an invoice at the Ticket level may include only charges which are linked to this specific ticket
  • See total unbilled pending charges according to Account, Contract and Ticket
  • Select which charges to include in the invoice
  • Create a QuickBooks invoice directly from the Account, Contract, or Ticket windows
  • View all charges included in a QuickBooks invoice by filtering charges by the invoice reference value

Getting Started

To enjoy the benefits of the Commit-QuickBooks Link you first need to set it up. The setup is a user-friendly process that walks you through all the necessary steps to completion.

Supported Editions

Please note that currently Commit synchronizes with the following versions and editions of QuickBooks:

The following US versions of QuickBooks are supported:

  • QuickBooks Pro 2009
  • QuickBooks Premier 2009
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2009
  • QuickBooks Pro 2008
  • QuickBooks Premier 2008
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2008
  • QuickBooks Pro 2007
  • QuickBooks Premier 2007
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2007
  • QuickBooks Pro 2006
  • QuickBooks Premier 2006
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2006
  • QuickBooks Pro 2005 - QuickBooks Premier 2005
  • QuickBooks Enterprise 2005 - QuickBooks Pro 2004
  • QuickBooks Premier 2004

Note for QuickBooks 2009 users:
CommitCRM 4.5, or above, is required to integrate with QuickBooks 2009.
Commit-QuickBooks Link uses a single currency. Multi-currency is not supported.

The following Canadian versions of QuickBooks are supported:

  • QuickBooks Canada Pro 2008
  • QuickBooks Canada Premier 2008
  • QuickBooks Canada Pro 2007
  • QuickBooks Canada Premier 2007
  • QuickBooks Canada Pro 2006
  • QuickBooks Canada Premier 2006
  • QuickBooks Canada Pro 2005
  • QuickBooks Canada Premier 2005
  • QuickBooks Canada Pro 2004
  • QuickBooks Canada Premier 2004

The following UK versions of QuickBooks are supported:

  • QuickBooks UK Pro 2008
  • QuickBooks UK Pro 2006
  • QuickBooks UK Pro 2005
  • QuickBooks UK Pro 2004

The following Australian versions of QuickBooks are supported (*):

  • QuickBooks Pro 2008/09
  • QuickBooks Premier 2008/09

The integration with QuickBooks Australia was tested and works in US compatibility mode.

[multi user mode is supported]

Installation Instructions

The Commit-QuickBooks Link setup uses a step-by-step wizard. In the installation instructions below, only the main steps of the installation process are covered. You can find complete installation instructions in the Advanced Topics section.

The Commit-QuickBooks Link needs to be set up once, after the initial setup you simply use the various options available to you from the QuickBooks menus.

Depending on your current system installation you may be asked to download an Intuit setup file. If you are asked to download the Intuit file, follow the download instructions that will be displayed.

Before running the setup make sure QuickBooks is installed on your computer, it is working properly and includes the latest patches and updates, and that you are logged in as a Windows Administrator.

Installing the Commit-QuickBooks Link

From the Main menu, select Tools > Options... and then navigate to the QuickBooks tab.
The Options dialog box appears.

File:Commit options quickbooks tab.gif

Select the country your edition of QuickBooks belongs to, and click on Run Setup Wizard.

To integrate with QuickBooks, CommitCRM uses the latest direct API technologies offered by Intuit/QuickBooks, known as QBFC. QBFC should be installed on every PC on your network which will be using the Commit-QuickBooks Link.

If QBFC is not installed on your PC, you will be asked to install it.

File:Commit install qbfc question.gif

Click 'Yes'. QBFC must be installed in order to use Commit-QuickBooks Link.

If you do not have the QBFC installation file, you may download it from the CommitCRM web site. Instructions for downloading the file from the CommitCRM site will appear. Follow these instructions, and then continue with the setup process.

The entire synchronization process takes place between CommitCRM and a QuickBooks company file which you select.

Continue with the wizard until you are asked to select the QuickBooks company file you wish to synchronize with CommitCRM.

File:Commit quickbooks wizard step4.gif

Click on 'Click to Select' button to select your QuickBooks company file.

After selecting the company file continue with the setup process.

In the following screen, you will be asked to run QuickBooks and open the selected QuickBooks company file as a QuickBooks Administrator user and in Single User mode. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth installation of the Commit-QuickBooks Link.

File:Commit quickbooks wizard step5.gif

Please follow the instructions in the screen shot above.
After logging into QuickBooks as an Administrator and in a single user mode, click 'Next'

CommitCRM will now try to access the selected QuickBooks company file. QuickBooks will display a window requesting permission to allow access to the file. Grant CommitCRM all the relevant permissions.

File:Commit quickbooks permissions.gif

Make sure you select the following settings as illustrated above:

  1. Always allow access even if QuickBooks is not running
  2. Login as user with Admin privileges.

Note: The dialog box you see may slightly differ from the one above depending on your version/edition of QuickBooks.

Click Continue. QuickBooks will then ask you to confirm that you grant the permissions to CommitCRM. Click Yes.

When the permissions are granted to CommitCRM the setup is complete.

File:Commit options quickbooks tab2.gif

You will be returned to the Options window. Confirm by clicking OK.

Done! The Commit-QuickBooks Link setup is now complete.

To view complete installation instructions including all the steps, go to the Advanced Topics section.

Importing Customers/Vendors from QuickBooks into CommitCRM for the First Time

his section will show you how to import your Customers into CommitCRM.

Important note: If all your Customers are already in CommitCRM, do not use this import feature until you have created links between existing records in CommitCRM and their related records in QuickBooks. To learn more about how to create these links, click here.

Note that before performing a batch import, it is recommended that you first back up all your CommitCRM data. The CommitCRM data is stored in <server>Commit\DB.

After backing up your data, follow the instructions below to import Customers/Vendors from QuickBooks into CommitCRM:

In the Accounts window, go to the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu and select Import New Records/Update Linked Records from QuickBooks.

File:Commit importing accounts from qb.gif
File:Commit backup warning.gif

If you have backed up your CommitCRM Data, click OK to continue with the import process.

The import wizard will ask you to select the QuickBooks records you would like to import into CommitCRM. By default, only active Customers are imported. If you want to import your vendors as well, follow the import wizard again once you have completed importing your Customers, and select Vendors.

File:Commit accounts import wizard.jpg

Select the type of QuickBooks records you want to import, and click Next.

File:Commit accounts import wizard finish.gif

Click Finish.

File:Commit start importing data question.gif

Click Yes to begin importing the data.
The import process will begin.

File:Commit import accounts progress.gif

Wait till the records are imported from QuickBooks to CommitCRM:

File:Commit successful import.gif

Click OK.

The import has finished. You can now see all the imported records in CommitCRM in the Accounts window:

File:Commit imported accounts list.gif

Please note that QuickBooks Jobs are not imported in batch imports from QuickBooks. You can import jobs on one by one basis using the 'New Account in CommitCRM Based on QuickBooks' menu option.

Importing Items from QuickBooks into CommitCRM

This section will show you how to import your QuickBooks Items into CommitCRM.

Important Note: If all your Items are already in CommitCRM, do not use this import feature until you have created links between existing records in CommitCRM and their related records in QuickBooks. To learn more about how to create these links, click here.

Every Labor/Parts/Expense Charge in CommitCRM is based on a selected Item. This is why Items are important to the entire billing process. The Commit-QuickBooks Link enables you to import all your Items from QuickBooks, saving you from retyping Item details in CommitCRM.

Note that before performing a batch import, it is recommended that you first back up all your CommitCRM data. The CommitCRM data is stored in <server>Commit\DB.

After backing up your data follow the instructions below to import Items from QuickBooks into CommitCRM:

In the Items window, go to the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu and select Import New Records/Update Linked Records from QuickBooks.

File:Commit importing items from qb.gif
File:Commit backup warning.gif

If you have backed up your CommitCRM Data, click OK to continue with the import process.

The import wizard will ask you to select the QuickBooks records you would like to import into CommitCRM. By default, all active Items are imported.

File:Commit items import wizard.gif

Select the types of Items you want to import from QuickBooks and click Next.

File:Commit items import wizard finish.gif

Click Finish.

File:Commit start importing data question.gif

Click Yes to begin importing the data.
The import process will begin.

File:Commit import items progress.gif

Wait until the record are imported from QuickBooks to CommitCRM:

File:Commit successful import.gif

Click OK.

The import has finished. You can now see all the imported records in CommitCRM, in the Items window.

File:Commit imported items list.gif

Create New Invoice

CommitCRM lets you create QuickBooks Invoices at the Account/Ticket/Contract levels.

If you create an invoice at the Account level, all Billable charges related to the Account that haven't been billed yet will be included in the invoice, including charges related to Tickets and Contracts.

If you create an invoice at the Contract level, only Billable charges that haven't been billed yet which are related to the selected Contract will be included in the invoice, including all Ticket-related charges.

If you create an invoice at the Ticket level, only Billable charges that haven't been billed yet which are related to the selected Ticket will be included in the invoice.

In all cases, you can also include not-billable charges in the invoice, which will be displayed in the invoice with a zero billable total amount. This way you can include all the charges without actually billing for not-billable charges.

There are two ways to create an invoice. The first option is creating an invoice for a specific Account, Ticket or Contract, and the second option is creating invoices for open balances in general.

Option 1: Go to the Accounts/Tickets/Contracts window, and select Create Invoice... on the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu.

File:Commit accounts window create invoice menu.gif


File:Commit tickets window create invoice menu.gif


File:Commit contracts window create invoice menu.gif

Option 2: Go to the File menu, select New and then QuickBooks Invoice.

File:Commit new quickbooks invoice menu.gif

After selecting this option the Generate QuickBooks Invoice dialog box is displayed:

File:Commit general new invoice window.gif

Select the level at which you want to generate the invoice (either Accounts, Tickets, or Contracts).

View all the open Billable charges for the level you selected:

File:Commit all tickets to be invoiced.gif

In the example above, the Ticket level was selected. All the Tickets with open Billable charges are displayed. Select the Ticket for which you want to create an invoice and click Select Ticket and Continue.

After selecting the Account/Contract/Ticket record for which you want to create an invoice, the following window is displayed (this window is also displayed when the Create Invoice... option has been selected from the Account/Contact/Ticket window in Option 1 above):

File:Commit invoice wizard step2.gif

All Billable charges that haven't been billed yet and are related to the selected Account, Contract or Ticket record (Ticket in the example above) are displayed and by default are selected (using the check mark) to be included in the invoice. In addition, you can include Not-billable charges in the invoice. Not-Billable charges are displayed in the invoice, however, they do not affect the invoice total.

To include or exclude the not-billable charges click the Include Not-Billable Charge/Exclude Not-Billable Charges button. Note that Administrators can set the system to always include the Not-Billable charges from Tools > Options > QuickBooks.

In the charge list you can select which charges will be included in the invoice by selecting or unselecting them by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the record.


You can use the Quick Select and/or Quick Unselect and/or Advanced Sort buttons to more easily select the Charges to be billed (this is usually required when a lot of charges are displayed).

At this stage you can also set different parameters for the invoice itself. The following options are located at the top of the Generate QuickBooks Invoice window:

  1. Bill To - This is the invoice billing address. By default it is taken from the Bill To data defined for the customer in QuickBooks. You can enter a different address in this box if necessary.
    If you have modified this information by mistake and want to use the QuickBooks defaults, right-click above the field and select Set by QuickBooks.
  2. Ship To - This is the invoice shipping address. By default it is taken from the Ship To data set defined for the customer in QuickBooks. You can enter a different address in this box if necessary.
    If you have modified this information by mistake and want to use the QuickBooks defaults, right-click above the field and select Set by QuickBooks.
  3. Date - This is the invoice date. By default, the date used is today's date. You can modify the date if necessary by typing an alternate date in this field.
  4. Reference - This is the invoice Reference number. This number is set by default by QuickBooks. You can modify this number if necessary by typing an alternate Reference number in the field.
  5. Due Date - This is the invoice Due Date. By default, the date is one month from today's date. You can modify this date if necessary by entering an alternate due date in the field.
  6. Memo - This field is for invoice memo/notes. If necessary, enter a memo that will appear as part of the QuickBooks invoice.

After entering the invoice details and selecting the relevant Charges, click Next.

The lines of the invoice are now displayed as they will appear in the QuickBooks invoice.

File:Commit invoice wizard step3.gif

In this step you can modify the text which will be displayed on the invoice lines. Note that all modifications made to the invoice lines here are not applied to Charges in CommitCRM, and only apply to the QuickBooks invoice lines.

Move Line Up/Down You can use the Move Line Up/Move Line Down buttons or the Advanced Sort button to modify the order of the invoice lines.

Insert Line/s You can also use the Add Blank Line button to include blank lines between the invoice lines in order to space the invoice up and make it more readable

Incl. in Description You can also use the "Incl. in Description" button to include additional information to all invoice line simultaneously, such as:

File:Commit include in description button.gif

Click on Incl. in Description and select the data you wish to be added to the description for every invoice line. To add this information to all invoices by default go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks and select the information you want to include in invoice lines.

You can double-click on each invoice line to add or edit the text/description of the selected line.

As mentioned above, these changes will take affect only on the invoice lines in QuickBooks. The original charges will not be affected by these changes.

File:Commit edit invoice line description.gif

In the image below, you can see that additional information has appeared in the Description column of the invoice lines.

File:Commit invoice wizard step3 with changes .gif

When the invoice information is complete, click Generate QuickBooks Invoice.

CommitCRM will now verify all the settings with QuickBooks and will add the QuickBooks invoice. Once an invoice has been created, the following unofficial invoice will be displayed. This invoice is just to give you an idea of how the invoice was created in QuickBooks. For complete details, view the invoice details in QuickBooks.

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in commit.gif

If you wish to create another invoice, click on Create New Invoice'. Otherwise, you can close the window.

The invoice we've created looks like the following in QuickBooks:

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in quickbooks.gif

Using the Commit-QuickBooks Link

At this stage, where the Commit-QuickBooks Link installation setup is complete, you can start using it.

A few clicks will allow you to sync information between the two programs. Thus saving a lot of time and increasing productivity.

The first stage after the installation is to import Customers, Vendors and Items from QuickBooks into CommitCRM.
Please note that you can easily perform the imports (as explained below).

However, we strongly recommend to backup CommitCRM data prior to the imports.

You should backup <server>\Commit\DB folder including all files while no one is using CommitCRM.

Note: If you are already using CommitCRM for a while and already have all your customers and items record in CommitCRM you should match CommitCRM records with QuickBooks records instead of importing the records (importing the records in this case will only create duplicates in your database and therefore it should be avoided). To learn more about how to link existing records between the two systems see 'Link Account to QuickBooks Customer/Job/Vendor Record' or click here


Your company has ongoing interactions with customers, vendors, business partners, friends, leads, and so on. In CommitCRM, each of these types of contacts is called an Account. You can manage your Account contact data and all other related data in the Accounts window.

In Accounts, related data is any information related to the Account that is presently being managed in CommitCRM, such as scheduled Appointments, open Tasks, Phone Call monitoring, Ticket/incident history, Assets (customer equipment and software licenses), Charges, linked Documents (MS-Word, emails, Excel etc.), Sales Opportunities and so on.

Account information is organized in separate information tabs that display different types of data.

To view all information related to an Account, open the Accounts window, locate the required Account, and browse through its data by clicking on the information tabs.

Accounts can be easily imported from QuickBooks, and changes can be synchronized between both systems.

Learn more about the Commit-QuickBooks Link Account Options


Items in CommitCRM are a catalog of all the services and products you offer. The Items list in CommitCRM acts as your price list.

Each Item has a unique Code, Name, Description and Pricing Setting.

There are three types of Items in CommitCRM:

Parts Items are hardware, software, or any other items you ship to your customer. These items have fixed prices.

Labor Items are services you provide to your customers, such as server installation, network installation, on-site technician visits, etc. Each Labor item can have a fixed price, a fixed hourly rate, or a dynamic hourly rate that varies depending upon the employee who performs the service.

Expense Items are used to charge expenses, such as travel and special deliveries. Expense Items can have a fixed price per unit or a fixed hourly rate.

For each new Charge record, an Item is selected and the relevant Item data is automatically copied to the new charge. This streamlines your data entry process. Also, the selected Item for a Charge in CommitCRM will be the Item that appears on the QuickBooks invoice line when the Charge is transferred to a QuickBooks invoice.

Items can be Active or Suspended. A suspended Item cannot be selected when adding new charges.

Items can be easily imported from QuickBooks, and changes can be synchronized between QuickBooks and CommitCRM.

Learn about the Commit-QuickBooks Link Items Options


With the Commit-QuickBooks Link you can create invoices in QuickBooks based on charges entered in CommitCRM.

This feature allows you to manage all the aspects of your service in one program: CommitCRM. You can manage Tickets, enter Charges, etc. in CommitCRM, while all billing is managed in QuickBooks.

QuickBooks invoices can easily be created from CommitCRM at the customer level, the service contract level and the ticket level.

All invoices created from CommitCRM are based on Charge records added in CommitCRM. Each Charge record is either a labor charge for work performed, a parts charge describing a part that has been used, or an expense charge for expenses spent on behalf of the customer, i.e. for special deliveries.

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following terms in CommitCRM:

TicketsEvery incident, problem, or job you handle for a customer is managed in CommitCRM using a Ticket record. Click here to learn more.

ContractsContract records are used to manage your service contracts and track their status. Click here to learn more.

ChargesCharge records are used to track all activities that will be charged to customers, such as labor, parts and expenses. Click here to learn more.

Creating New Invoice

CommitCRM lets you create QuickBooks Invoices at the Account/Ticket/Contract levels.

If you create an invoice at the Account level, all Billable charges related to the Account that haven't been billed yet will be included in the invoice, including charges related to Tickets and Contracts.

If you create an invoice at the Contract level, only Billable charges that haven't been billed yet which are related to the selected Contract will be included in the invoice, including all Ticket-related charges.

If you create an invoice at the Ticket level, only Billable charges that haven't been billed yet which are related to the selected Ticket will be included in the invoice.

In all cases, you can also include not-billable charges in the invoice, which will be displayed in the invoice with a zero billable total amount. This way you can include all the charges without actually billing for not-billable charges.

There are two ways to create an invoice. The first option is creating an invoice for a specific Account, Ticket or Contract, and the second option is creating invoices for open balances in general.

Option 1: Go to the Accounts/Tickets/Contracts window, and select Create Invoice... on the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu.

File:Commit accounts window create invoice menu.gif


File:Commit tickets window create invoice menu.gif


File:Commit contracts window create invoice menu.gif

Option 2: Go to the File menu, select New and then QuickBooks Invoice.

File:Commit new quickbooks invoice menu.gif

After selecting this option the Generate QuickBooks Invoice dialog box is displayed:

File:Commit general new invoice window.gif

Select the level at which you want to generate the invoice (either Accounts, Tickets, or Contracts).

View all the open Billable charges for the level you selected:

File:Commit all tickets to be invoiced.gif

In the example above, the Ticket level was selected. All the Tickets with open Billable charges are displayed. Select the Ticket for which you want to create an invoice and click Select Ticket and Continue.

After selecting the Account/Contract/Ticket record for which you want to create an invoice, the following window is displayed (this window is also displayed when the Create Invoice... option has been selected from the Account/Contact/Ticket window in Option 1 above):

File:Commit invoice wizard step2.gif

All Billable charges that haven't been billed yet and are related to the selected Account, Contract or Ticket record (Ticket in the example above) are displayed and by default are selected (using the check mark) to be included in the invoice. In addition, you can include Not-billable charges in the invoice. Not-Billable charges are displayed in the invoice, however, they do not affect the invoice total.

To include or exclude the not-billable charges click the Include Not-Billable Charge/Exclude Not-Billable Charges button. Note that Administrators can set the system to always include the Not-Billable charges from Tools > Options > QuickBooks.

In the charge list you can select which charges will be included in the invoice by selecting or unselecting them by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the record.


You can use the Quick Select and/or Quick Unselect and/or Advanced Sort buttons to more easily select the Charges to be billed (this is usually required when a lot of charges are displayed).

At this stage you can also set different parameters for the invoice itself. The following options are located at the top of the Generate QuickBooks Invoice window:

  1. Bill To - This is the invoice billing address. By default it is taken from the Bill To data defined for the customer in QuickBooks. You can enter a different address in this box if necessary.
    If you have modified this information by mistake and want to use the QuickBooks defaults, right-click above the field and select Set by QuickBooks.
  2. Ship To - This is the invoice shipping address. By default it is taken from the Ship To data set defined for the customer in QuickBooks. You can enter a different address in this box if necessary.
    If you have modified this information by mistake and want to use the QuickBooks defaults, right-click above the field and select Set by QuickBooks.
  3. Date - This is the invoice date. By default, the date used is today's date. You can modify the date if necessary by typing an alternate date in this field.
  4. Reference - This is the invoice Reference number. This number is set by default by QuickBooks. You can modify this number if necessary by typing an alternate Reference number in the field.
  5. Due Date - This is the invoice Due Date. By default, the date is one month from today's date. You can modify this date if necessary by entering an alternate due date in the field.
  6. Memo - This field is for invoice memo/notes. If necessary, enter a memo that will appear as part of the QuickBooks invoice.

After entering the invoice details and selecting the relevant Charges, click Next.

The lines of the invoice are now displayed as they will appear in the QuickBooks invoice.

File:Commit invoice wizard step3.gif

In this step you can modify the text which will be displayed on the invoice lines. Note that all modifications made to the invoice lines here are not applied to Charges in CommitCRM, and only apply to the QuickBooks invoice lines.

Move Line Up/Down You can use the Move Line Up/Move Line Down buttons or the Advanced Sort button to modify the order of the invoice lines.

Insert Line/s You can also use the Add Blank Line button to include blank lines between the invoice lines in order to space the invoice up and make it more readable

Incl. in Description You can also use the "Incl. in Description" button to include additional information to all invoice line simultaneously, such as:

File:Commit include in description button.gif

Click on Incl. in Description and select the data you wish to be added to the description for every invoice line. To add this information to all invoices by default go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks and select the information you want to include in invoice lines.

You can double-click on each invoice line to add or edit the text/description of the selected line.

As mentioned above, these changes will take affect only on the invoice lines in QuickBooks. The original charges will not be affected by these changes.

File:Commit edit invoice line description.gif

In the image below, you can see that additional information has appeared in the Description column of the invoice lines.

File:Commit invoice wizard step3 with changes .gif

When the invoice information is complete, click Generate QuickBooks Invoice.

CommitCRM will now verify all the settings with QuickBooks and will add the QuickBooks invoice. Once an invoice has been created, the following unofficial invoice will be displayed. This invoice is just to give you an idea of how the invoice was created in QuickBooks. For complete details, view the invoice details in QuickBooks.

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in commit.gif

If you wish to create another invoice, click on Create New Invoice'. Otherwise, you can close the window.

The invoice we've created looks like the following in QuickBooks:

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in quickbooks.gif

Creating Invoices - Advanced Invoice CreationTopics

This chapter provides more details about the invoice creation process.

Handling Unsynchronized Accounts during Invoice Creation
When creating an invoice, an asterisk * may appear near the Account's name. The asterisk means that the Account is not synchronized with QuickBooks.

In this case, you can still create the invoice. Continue with the invoice creation wizard, and at a later stage CommitCRM will let you create a link between the Account in CommitCRM and the Customer in QuickBooks, or create a new Customer in QuickBooks.

File:Commit all accounts to be invoiced.gif

In the example above, the selected Account has not been synchronized with QuickBooks.

Handling Unsynced Items during Invoice Creation
In the second stage of the Invoice creation wizard - Charge Selection, you might see an asterisk * sign near some of the Item's name. The asterisk means, that these Items are not synced with QuickBooks Items. To handle this situation, CommitCRM has automatically created 3 new Items in QuickBooks:

  1. CMT Service Taxable Item
  2. CMT Expense Taxable Item
  3. CMT Products Taxable Item
File:Commit cmt items in quickbooks.gif

All unsynchronized Labor Items in CommitCRM that have been used in Billable charges will be automatically replaced with CMT Service Taxable Item in the invoice lines.
All unsynchronized Expense Items in CommitCRM that have been used in Billable charges will be automatically replaced with CMT Expense Taxable Item in the invoice lines.
All unsynchronized Products/Parts Items in CommitCRM that have been used in Billable charges will be automatically replaced with CMT Products Taxable Item in the invoice lines.

Therefore, you may proceed with the invoice creation process, and the system will replace the Items in the invoice lines with already existing Items in QuickBooks based on their type. The rest of the charge information will pass intact to the QuickBooks invoice; rates, totals, descriptions, etc. will be the same in the QuickBooks invoice as they were defined in Charges in CommitCRM.

(To learn more about the CMT Items, please read the next chapter.)


File:Commit invoice wizard step2 2.gif

In the example above, one of the Items has not been synchronized with QuickBooks.

File:Commit invoice wizard step3 2.gif

When invoice lines are displayed, the unsynchronized product/part Item – in this case the Hard Disk - is replaced with CMT Products Taxable Item. The Charge's description, units, date, total, etc are the same as in the original Charge.

To proceed, click Generate QuickBooks Invoice.

If the selected Account is synchronized with QuickBooks, the invoice will be created. However, if the selected Account has not been synchronized with QuickBooks ( and an asterisk sign has appeared near the selected Account's name indicating that it has not been synchronized, as mentioned above), the system will provide you with three options:

File:Commit account sync settings window.gif
  1. Link Account to Existing QuickBooks Customer/Job - Select this option when the Account exists in QuickBooks as a Customer, but they are not linked. You will be asked to select the parallel Customer in QuickBooks.<br
    File:Commit quickbooks customer selection window3.gif

    After creating the link between the CommitCRM and QuickBooks records, the system will immediately create the invoice.
  2. Add Account as a New QuickBooks Customer - select this option if the selected Account doesn't exist in QuickBooks and you want to create a QuickBooks customer based on this CommitCRM Account. The system will create the Customer in QuickBooks and then file the invoice under this record.
  3. Cancel Invoice Creation - this option will close the invoice creation wizard in CommitCRM.

If you select the first or second option, the following window will appear:

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in commit2.gif

The invoice looks like the following in QuickBooks:

File:Commit quickbooks invoice in quickbooks2.gif
Using Special QuickBooks Items and Accounts

As explained in the 'Creating Invoices - Advanced Topics' chapter, there are cases when charged Items in CommitCRM have not been synchronized with QuickBooks Items. In these cases, the system cannot create the invoice since it does not know with which QuickBooks Items to link the invoice lines. To make the invoicing process easier and smoother, Commit-QuickBooks Link automatically creates the following Items in QuickBooks during the initial synchronization process:

File:Commit cmt items in quickbooks.gif

These special items are used when a CommitCRM Charge record uses an a CommitCRM Item that is not synced with QuickBooks, and therefore CommitCRM doesn't know what item should be used in QuickBooks for the invoice line.

These Items are used as follows:

  1. Labor Items are replaced with CMT Service Taxable Item in QuickBooks.
  2. Expense Items are replaced with CMT Expense Taxable Item in QuickBooks.
  3. Product/Part Items are replaced with CMT Products Taxable Item in QuickBooks.

Since each Item in QuickBooks must be linked to an Account in QuickBooks, Commit-QuickBooks Link also automatically creates the following Accounts in QuickBooks during the initial synchronization process, and uses them in conjunction with the CMT Items:

File:Commit cmt accounts in quickbooks.gif

Note that the CMT Accounts in QuickBooks are also used for creating new Items in QuickBooks based on Items in CommitCRM. However, you can configure CommitCRM to use other QuickBooks Accounts for this purpose (the directions appear below).

In cases where CommitCRM default Items are used, as explained above, the invoice's amount will appear in the 'CMT Income Account' in QuickBooks as follows:

File:Commit cmt income account details.gif

You can modify this and move the invoice income to another QuickBooks Account by going to the relevant items in QuickBooks and changing their default Accounts. For the changes to apply to future and past transactions, you need to confirm the following message:

'You changed an account for this item. All future transactions with this item will use this new account. Would you like existing transactions with this item to use this new account?'

To prevent a situation where default Accounts are used, you can direct CommitCRM to use your preferred QuickBooks Accounts for new Items in QuickBooks that will be created for new Items in CommitCRM. To do this, go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab > Advanced Settings.

File:Commit options quickbooks tab2.gif

The Advanced Setting for the Commit-QuickBooks Link dialog box will appear. Click on the button to the right of each type to select other QuickBooks Accounts.

File:Commit options quickbooks tab advanced1.gif

The search window for QuickBooks Accounts will display.

File:Commit quickbooks accounts selection window.gif

Search for the relevant QuickBooks Account, select it, and click OK.

The QuickBooks Account for Invoice Income will be replaced with your selection.

File:Commit options quickbooks tab advanced2.gif

From now on, CommitCRM will use these QuickBooks accounts when creating new QuickBooks Items.


Tracking Charges is a key factor for running your service business well and improving its performance. Most employees, however, consider this to be a nuisance or a burden, which makes it difficult to maximize your full income potential.

Three types of Charges can be tracked in CommitCRM:

Labor Charges for services provided
Expense Charges for expenses such as travel and delivery
Parts Charges for parts or products used

Each Charge record includes a description and information regarding the Account being charged, the charged Item (see the section on Items above), quantity, price, and total amount. Each Charge record can also be linked to a Ticket (optional).

All Charges are entered under one of the Account’s active Contracts. Charges may automatically change the current state of the contract where relevant, i.e. a Charge will reduce the time remaining in a Block of Time contract, reduce the amount of money in a Block of Money contract, etc.

A Charge can be set as Billable or Not Billable. When a Charge is set as Billable it means that you intend to bill the customer for this charge. The default billing status for Charges is determined by the type of contract under which the Charge is being created. See Understanding the Billing Status of Charges below. Not-billable charges can also be included in invoices, however, these charges will display a zero amount and will not affect the invoice total amount.

Once a charged has been included in an invoice, the Charge record is set as Billed, and you can view the QuickBooks invoice reference number in the charge window. This prevents a customer from being billed again for the same Charge.

Adding a Charge is easy and this can be done in CommitCRM’s Main menu, the Tickets window (recommended), the Charges main window, or the Account window. Charges can also be added from anywhere using a web browser and an Internet connection, for this you need Commit Web Interface.

Use Items to speed up the process of entering new Charges. When an Item is selected for a Charge, its description and price are automatically copied into the relevant fields in the Charge record.

Many types of Charge reports are available. These reports are used to bill customers and analyze business performance.

Understanding the Billing Status of Charges

Different Statuses and Stages of the Charges
A Charge can be set as Billable or Not Billable. When a Charge is set as Billable it means that you intend to bill the customer with this charge. The default billing status for Charges is determined by the type of contract under which the Charge is created, as follows:

  1. All new Charges that are linked to "System" or "Global" Contracts are Billable.
  2. All new Labor Charges that are linked to "Block of Time" contracts are Not Billable, while Expenses and Parts charges are Billable.
  3. All new Charges that are linked to "Block of Tickets" or "Block of Money" contracts are not Billable.

A Charge's status must be Billable in order for it to be billed to a customer.

File:Commit not billable charge.gif

The image above shows a Charge that is Not Billable. You can tell if a Charge is Billable or Not Billable by looking at the Billable checkbox in the bottom right-hand corner. If the checkbox is checked, the Charge is Billable; if it is unchecked, the Charge is Not Billable. Since the above Charge is Not Billable, it can be included in invoices as a not-billable line. thus displaying a zero billable total amount. Not-billable charges do not affect the invoice total.

File:Commit billable not billed charge.gif

The above image shows the same Charge with the Billable checkbox now checked. By checking the Billable checkbox, this Charge becomes Billable, and can be included in invoices as a billable line which will effect the invoice total and can be marked manually as billed.

Billable charges have 2 possible stages:

Stage 1: Not Billed – A Not Billed Charge has not been charged to a customer yet. The details of Not Billed Charges can be modified.
Once the Charge has been billed to a customer, you should mark it as billed by selecting the relevant Charge and click on Mark as Billed.
Note: Billable Charges that have been included in invoices are automatically marked as Billed when the invoice is created.

File:Commit billable not billed charge.gif

Stage 2: Billed – A Billed Charge has been charged to a customer. The details for a Billed Charge cannot be modified (Billed Charges will be displayed as Read Only).

Charges that are manually billed by clicking on Mark as Billed will appear as follows:

File:Commit manually billed charge.gif


Charges that are automatically billed by being included in an invoice will appear as follows:

File:Commit charge billed in invoice.gif

Billed Charges cannot be modified, regardless of whether they were manually or automatically billed. To modify the details of Billed Charges, change their status to Unbilled by clicking on Mark as Unbilled, as depicted below.

File:Commit charge details billed in invoice2.gif

Note that also not-billable charges which were included in invoices will become read-only, and will show the QuickBooks invoice reference number in the charge window.

Important note: In the above case, the Charge was included in an invoice. Therefore when un-billing such a Charge, the link to the invoice will be removed (the invoice line in the QuickBooks invoice remains unchanged).

Available Actions in Commit-QuickBooks Link

The QuickBooks menu in the Charges main window contains several options for additional actions related to Charges and invoices that may be performed with the Commit-QuickBooks Link.

File:Commit quickbooks options in charges window.gif
Filter by Invoice Reference

This option enables you to find all the CommitCRM Charges that were included in a specific QuickBooks invoice according to invoice reference number.

To do this, go to the Charges main window, and select Filter by Invoice Reference on the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu.

File:Commit filter by invoice reference.gif

The Filter by invoice reference number dialog box will open.

File:Commit filter by invoice reference window.gif

Enter the Invoice Reference number and click OK.

All the charges that were included in this invoice will be displayed.

File:Commit charges filtered by invoice reference.gif


The green letter B will appear in the Charges window next to each billed charge.
Link to Existing Invoice in QuickBooks

You can link Charges to existing QuickBooks invoices.

This option is useful when a charge was originally invoiced in QuickBooks, but you needed to modify its details in CommitCRM, so it was marked as unbilled (this means that the link to the invoice was removed). After you've modified the charge you can link it back to the original QuickBooks invoice using this option.

This is also useful in cases where you created an invoice for a customer directly in QuickBooks and then noticed that there are Charges in CommitCRM that are related to this invoice, but since you've created the invoice in CommitCRM the charges are not linked to it.

Note: linking a charge to an invoice does not modify any of the invoice details: the invoice line descriptions, total, etc all remain unchanged.

To link a single Charge to an existing invoice in QuickBooks, first manually set the Charge to Billed by clicking on Mark as Billed.

Once the Charge is marked as billed and selected, select Link to Existing Invoice in QuickBooks... on the QuickBooks drop down toolbar menu.

File:Commit link charge to existing invoice in quickbooks.gif

The Filter by invoice reference number will display:

File:Commit filter by invoice reference window2.gif

Enter the invoice Reference number for the invoice that you to link the Charge to, and click OK.

Done! The Charge is now linked to the relevant QuickBooks Invoice.

File:Commit charge details billed in invoice3.gif
Refresh Invoice References

This option updates Charge records in CommitCRM that were invoiced in QuickBooks with the new QuickBooks invoice reference number.

This option is useful when the invoice reference number was manually modified in QuickBooks.

You must update the Charges with this new invoice reference number in order to be able to conduct a search in CommitCRM based on the new invoice reference number.

File:Commit charge details billed in invoice3.gif

To use this option, in the Charges window select Refresh Invoice References… from the QuickBooks menu.

File:Commit refresh invoice references.gif

The Refresh Invoice References dialog box will display.

File:Commit refresh invoice references window.gif

Enter the date from which you want the invoice information to be refreshed. This will also update all the invoice reference numbers from that date. Click OK. All charges related to invoices from this day until today will be updated with the current invoice reference number in QuickBooks.

Done! The invoices reference numbers were updated in CommitCRM Charges.

File:Commit charge details billed in invoice4.gif

See Also