Alerts to Customers

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Page Status: in Beta (Work in Progress)


The Alerts to Customers feature sends automatic email alerts to customers for two events:

  • New Ticket
  • Ticket Closed

Alerts to customers are email notifications which are sent via Commit Alerts Server, to all External Recipients defined for the Ticket. External Recipients are defined per Ticket and contain email addresses which should be notified for any email correspondence concerning the Ticket. The email addresses may belong to existing Accounts in the database or not. See more details in Ticket Recipients.

New Ticket Alerts are sent when a new Ticket is created for the Account by an employee or via Commit API. See more details in New Ticket Alerts Special Cases.

Closed Ticket Alerts are sent whenever a Ticket is being closed, i.e. the Ticket Status changes to Completed.

Alerts Format

The Alerts to Customers email format is defined using a textual Ticket Email Templates, which allows users to design the Alert email format. The system comes with default alert templates which can be found in Settings > Email Templates. Default template for new Tickets: "Ticket – Alerts to Customers – New Ticket". Default template for Closed Tickets: "Ticket – Alerts to Customers –Ticket Closed".

Other templates can be used by selecting them for the Alerts via Options > Alerts to Customers tab. See more details in Alerts to Customers Settings.

New Ticket Alerts Special Cases

New Ticket Alerts are sent when a new Ticket is created for the Account by an employee or via Commit API.

New Tickets will not trigger an email alert to the customer in the following cases:

  1. Changing a Ticket's status to New manually. Only when a new Ticket is actually created in the database an alert is sent.
  2. When Tickets are created by customers via Commit Email Connector's Email-to-Ticket feature. In this case the customer will be notified about the new Ticket by the automatic-response sent by Commit Email Connector if enabled. See more details in Commit Email Connector.
  3. When Tickets are created via Commit Email Connector using automated emails (i.e. formatted emails; usually sent by external applications) do not trigger an email alert to the customer. See more details about automated emails in Automated Emails.
  4. When Tickets are created by customers via Commit Web Interface.

Alerts to Customers Settings

In order to enable Alerts to Customers, it is required to activate Commit Alerts Server first. See more details in Commit Alerts Server.

Once Commit Alerts Server is activated, the Alerts to Customers settings should be enabled and configured from Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers.