Import Accounts

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Import and Export > Import Accounts


Accounts in RangerMSP help you manage all of your contact information. You can create Accounts for your customers, vendors, employees and more. Accounts can be imported into RangerMSP from various data sources:

  • Imported from Excel® files, CSV files, Outlook® contacts, QuickBooks® and others.
  • Imported (or synchronized) from Outlook.
  • When the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link is in use, Accounts can be synchronized between RangerMSP and QuickBooks.

Before Importing Accounts

Before you import your Accounts for the first time, we recommend that you go over the following checklist to make sure you perform the import in the most efficient way:

  • Taxes – using Taxes in RangerMSP is optional. If you plan on using Taxes within RangerMSP, this requires defining the relevant Tax code per Account. Before importing Accounts, you can define the default Tax Code which should be used for newly created accounts, to make sure all imported Accounts will already have the correct Tax code defined for them. Click here to learn more about using Taxes within RangerMSP, and defining the default Tax Code for Accounts.

  • Avoid Duplicate Accounts - When importing Accounts from multiple sources, such as QuickBooks®, Outlook®, or Excel, it is important to first create a link between parallel records in QuickBooks and Outlook, so that duplicate records will not be created, and the correct records will be synced. See more details in How to Avoid Duplicate Accounts.

  • backup your database – it is very important to backup your data before performing any imports. This will assure that you can undo the import if needed very easily. Click here for more details about performing a backup to your database.

Importing Accounts from Excel/CSV/Text Files

You can import Accounts and Account information (such as phone numbers and addresses) into RangerMSP from almost any data source that you may have, including Excel sheets, and exported files from any account software, etc.

To import Accounts from any data source:

  1. On the Main menu go to Tools > Import and Export > Import Accounts, and select the type of file to be imported (MS Excel®, Text (CSV), MS Outlook®, MS Outlook Express®, Database, Paradox tables) .
  2. You will then be guided through the process of matching the fields from the imported file to fields within RangerMSP.
  3. Your Accounts will now be imported.

Importing Secondary Contacts

Importing Secondary Contacts can be done for one Account at a time.

To import Secondary Contacts:

  1. Create a separate Excel or CSV file per Account, containing the contacts details.
  2. Per Account, open the Account details window, go to Contacts Tab > right click the list > select Import Secondary Contacts.
  3. Match the fields in the file to the equivalent Contact fields.
  4. All Secondary Contacts will be created under this Account.

Importing from Outlook

You may choose to import Contacts from Outlook into RangerMSP Accounts. This can be done using the RangerMSP Import utility. Note that importing records is a one-way data transfer from Outlook into RangerMSP. Alternatively you can use the two-way RangerMSP-Outlook Sync, which allows you to perform a two-ways synchronization between RangerMSP Accounts and Outlook Contacts.

When not using the RangerMSP-Outlook Sync option, you can import Accounts from Outlook in the following way:

  1. Go to Accounts window > Tools > Import Data, and select MS Outlook as the type of file to be imported.
  2. Select the Outlook Contacts folder for importing.
  3. Click Import.

The contact records from Outlook are now imported into Accounts in RangerMSP.

How to Avoid Duplicate Accounts

When importing Accounts from multiple sources, such as QuickBooks®, Outlook®, or Excel, it is important to first create a link between parallel records in QuickBooks and Outlook, so that duplicate records will not be created, and the correct records will be synced.

If you have all your customers in QuickBooks and Outlook, it is easiest to first synchronize your RangerMSP Accounts with your Outlook contacts. Then, when you need to create an Invoice for an Account, link the Account with the QuickBooks record. There are two ways you can link RangerMSP Accounts with QuickBooks customers:

  1. Click the QB icon in the tool bar when the Account is selected, and select the Link Account to QuickBooks Customer/Job/Vendor Record option. This will allow you to select the customer in QuickBooks and create the link between them so that the system will know which customer the Invoice is for when creating an Invoice from within RangerMSP.
  2. Create the links on-demand: If a RangerMSP Account is not yet linked to any QuickBooks customers, you will be asked to link it when you prepare its first invoice

In case you prefer to import from other sources first, and then link the existing Accounts with Outlook records, this can be done using the 'Link Account to Outlook Contact' option. Click here for more details.

Click here for more details on synchronizing Accounts with Outlook®.

Or, click here for more details on importing Accounts from QuickBooks®.

Setting up Account's Custom Pricing

Custom Pricing lets you set unique prices for different Accounts or Contracts. Once you define custom prices for an Account or Contract, these prices will be used automatically for every charge logged for Accounts or Contracts.

When should I use Custom Pricing?
By default, the standard employee hourly rates and item prices will be used automatically. You should use custom pricing only when you want to use a different set of prices or rates for a specific Account or Contract.

Account level vs. Contract level Custom Pricing
Custom Pricing can be defined at the Account level or Contract level. When custom prices are defined for the Contract, the Account's custom pricing settings are ignored, and the Contract's price settings are used. You can read more about Custom Pricing in the Introduction to Billing, under Custom Pricing.

See Also