KB: Ticket Description and Other Ticket Data Fields

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Each Ticket in RangerMSP includes the Ticket Description, Details Tab fields, the Resolution/History Tab, Charges Tab, and the Notes Tab

It's important to understand the best usage for each and use these fields in an efficient way, to avoid duplicate data entry, and to easily find tickets later on.

When to use which field?

When using tickets in RangerMSP, you have the option to document verbose amounts of information & files in the system. Doing this allows you to keep all your customer information, logs, and communications in the database, and available from the software client & RangerMSP Web Interface.

Suggested Uses

Our recommendation for using the various ticket fields are as follows:

1) Ticket Description

The Ticket Description should reflect the initial problem, and suggestions for resolution. If there are important notes they can also appear in the description (stuff you want the technician to notice when handling the ticket).

2) History Notes

Should be used to log any interaction with the customer or anyone else concerning the ticket. It keeps the date and the time, so it will be easy to know exactly when this happened. If you just update the description or the Notes field, you will not have this information.

3) Notes Field

The Notes field is somewhat of an advanced option, and can be used for special notes regarding this ticket. This is really up to you. The benefit is that you have a full tab for it so you can keep there a large chunk of information if needed.

4) Charges

Charges should be used to log actual work a technician performed to diagnose or resolve the ticket. Logging the charges in RangerMSP allows you to link the charges to tickets, contracts, and accounts instead of only having the charges linked to your accounts in QuickBooks. The charge info later gets copied to QuickBooks during invoice creation, which copies certain information (Labor Time Period, Performing Employee, Ticket Number, etc.) from your RangerMSP database, and displayed in your QuickBooks invoice. Logging charges in RangerMSP also enables you to log charges that are not meant to be billed to your customer. This feature helps to report work that you do not intend to charge your customer for. Using this option, you'll be able to easily track your employees time that you bill for easily from within RangerMSP.

5) Data Fields

The Data fields (such as the fields in the Details tab) should usually be used whenever you wish to enter information which can later be used in order to filter tickets. For example, if you want to track the ticket source, and then find all tickets which were opened via a phone call, it's best to use the Source field rather than write this as a note or something like that.

6) Docs

RangerMSP allows you to store files (Documents, Shortcuts, Emails, etc.) in the database and have them linked to Accounts, Tickets, Assets, Contracts, Opportunities, and Knowledge Base Articles. Importing files can be done through the program by clicking the Add button, or dragging a file or message into RangerMSP while an entity is selected.
  • More information on importing documents into RangerMSP can be found here.

See Also