Ticket Merge

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The Ticket Merge utility helps you merge two Tickets into one. The merge operation copies the data from one Ticket to the other (the Master Ticket) and deletes the redundant Ticket. All data linked to the redundant Ticket will be moved to the Master Ticket. This includes Email Recipients, Charges, History Notes, Appointments, Tasks, Documents and Messages. The redundant Ticket details, such as Status, Priority and Description, are not copied to the Master Ticket and only the Master Ticket details are kept. However, the details of the redundant are logged as an Audit History Note under the Master Ticket's History tab.

Performing Ticket Merge

Before performing the Ticket Merge, it is advised to make sure you have a recent backup of your RangerMSP database.

To activate the Ticket Merge option:

  1. Close all internal Windows within RangerMSP. Then go to Tools > Data Tools > Ticket Merge.
  2. The following window opens:

    In this window, choose the redundant and master Tickets for the merge operation. Note that the redundant Ticket will be deleted at the end of this operation. Use the following fields:
    1. Merge From - Redundant Ticket - To be merged and then deleted.
      Linked Data will be moved to the Master Ticket and the Ticket details will be added to the History tab of the Master Ticket. The Account will be deleted.
    2. Merge To - Master Ticket - Receives all data from the redundant Ticket.

Note: Only Tickets which are linked to the same Account can be merged. If you want to merge all Tickets to a single Account, see Account Merge.


The Ticket Merge action performs a massive database update transaction that cannot be undone, and therefore should be performed carefully.

Only employee users with specific privilege for this action can perform the Ticket Merge.

To allow employees to perform the Ticket Merge, use the following privilege:

Note: In addition to the Ticket Merge privilege the user also needs the following privileges:

  • Tickets: allow Edit and Delete.
  • Other Employees Tickets: allow Edit and Delete if any of the Tickets involved is assigned to another employee.

See Also