I was curious if it was possible to have CommitCRM setup so that anytime I create a new ticket, I would have the option of which group of customers the ticket would goto and thus assign a different series of ticket numbers to that customer. For example, I would like to have residential customers use one series of numbers (0500-xxxx) and business customers use another (0600-xxxx) and even webhosting customers (0700-xxxx). The reason being is to simply glance at the ticket number and know which group of customers it is going too and thus can be prioritized differently.
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Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
- 24
Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Support Team
- 7558
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Hi bawalker,
Interesting usage for the ticket number :-)
The ticket number is currently fixed with the 0500- at the beginning and it is not customizable at the moment.
However, I believe you can find many other ways to accomplish what you need using other fields of the ticket. For example, you can use the Type or Category to indicate the group of the customer (residential or business), and easily view this in the ticket list, sort by this field etc. The possible values for these fields are customizable (you can add/remove/change values using the [Edit list...] option in the pull-down menu). I believe this will make things clear and easy to work with.
I hope this helps!
- 24
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Thanks for the response. :) I'll check out using those other types/categories for accomplishing this.
The reason I mention the ticket number/category is because when I worked at another company before, their ticketing system made special use of letting the first several digits dictate the type of ticket it was.
Can I put in a feature request for this? That a ticket number prefix be bound to a customer group type so just by glancing at a ticket one can determine the customer group it goes too to better prioritize, etc. I.E. faster response to business customers, etc.
- 942
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Yes, but what if you have a client who could qualify for every "type"? It would be much better to use the ticket "type" for this.
That's my opinion!
- 24
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Actually I rarely see that because when a business wants work done, it's always under a business category each time. Same with a home user. Now if a home user has a home business, I create them a business account under their official licensed business name. While I could see that being an issue, it would be rare if happens.
Support Team
- 7558
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
I think that categorization of tickets (type/priority/cause/source/etc.) should be implemented by using dedicated Ticket fields, you can then easily filter the ticket list anyway you like. Anyway, there may be benefits to embedding it into the Ticket number. I will log this as a feature request into our system. Thanks.
- 43
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
Hi Dina,
I also in need of these different ticket for different accounts. The main reason for this that it would be much easier to check for missing hard copy reports(that we kept as a reference). We keep all these hard copy reports(technician form) in a file or folder differentiated by accounts. If we miss a report we will know simply by checking the running numbers on the hard copy. If all accounts have the same running numbers, we would not be able to check if any numbers are missing. Currently we check by sorting, filtering according to the accounts in CommitCRM and check the total number of calls against the number of hard copy report we kept. This is tedious.
Support Team
- 7558
Re: Different series of ticket numbers 0500-, 0600-, etc
I see how different ticket numbering may help in this scenario. I will add it a note about this. Thanks for sharing your specific requirements with us.