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ConnectWise LOWERS Hosted pricing-and See CommitCRM CEO's comments

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    ConnectWise LOWERS Hosted pricing-and See CommitCRM CEO's comments

    Hi folks!

    The Connectwise folks have been calling us again - and doing some research now I see why: they have reduced pricing of the hosted solution from $45/m to $39/m.

    See the post about the price cut here and also the lively discussion below, including posts from the CEO's of Connectwise, AutoTask AND our very own Commit, where Maayan Porat makes some very good points about what to look for in selecting PSA Software:

    For our money, CommitCRM continues to deliver exceptional value and we are nowhere near yet exploiting the full potential that even the current Version of CommitCRM offers us, let alone the next version:-)!

    The one thing we are hoping for is integration with ZENITH's MSO portal, which we are trialing at the moment and generally liking.

    david Vaughan
    A-1 Tech Support
    Sunny South Beach, Miami