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Emails to external addresses

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    Emails to external addresses

    I've been fighting with the email connector for a while now. It's 90% working, however, I can't use it to send emails outside of our organization.

    I've followed the instructions here to the letter.

    But I still get the following when I try to send outside our organization.

    > MAIL FROM:<>
    < 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
    RequestDone Rq=2 Error=0
    > RCPT TO:<>
    < 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
    RequestDone Rq=4 Error=550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
    Error, Application Stopped

    I'm thrilled that it's mostly working, but we need it to be able to send updates on ticket work/completion to our customer's at the same time.

    Re: Emails to external addresses

    Hi Ben_Atlantec, as mentioned in the other thread, please note that when it comes to the Email Connector, the relay option is required in order to send emails from an external email address. Sending to external email addresses doesn't require the relay option in this case, only the appropriate privileges on your mail server. If you have problems sending to external addresses, I would check the security settings for the account you are using for outgoing emails.

    I hope this helps.


