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Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

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    Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report


    I'm using CommitCRM

    I've created a custom report based on a Charges report. I can duplicate this issue on the Charges Report by Ticket report, for example.

    I have Labor codes set up with special prefixes, MSP_Contract, MSP_System_Admin, ProBono_Misc, etc.

    I want the report to include only the "MSP_" charges, so I clicked on the Expand button and tried to add a Primary filter on Charged Item Includes "MSP_". The problem is, every time I type "MSP_" and leave the field, it blanks it out. It does allow me to select a full name from the list, e.g. "MSP_Contract - MSP Monthly Maintenance Contract" but that of course defeats the purpose.

    An "includes" criterion is intended search on substrings, but this is forcing me to select full strings. How do I search on substrings?

    BTW we also need "Begins With" and "Ends With" criteria here. And/or just let me type my own SQL (LIKE 'MSP_%').

    Mark Berry

    Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

    Hi Mark,

    Filtering Charge reports by the "Charges Item" is possible only by selecting the Item itself from the items list. There is no option of filtering the Charges by the "Item Name" (btw, you can filter by a substring of the item name when generating "Items" reports, it's not available for "Charge" reports).

    Perhaps what can help is exporting your charges list to an Excel file, and filter the charges by any column you like, including the "Charged Item" string. I believe this may allow you to create the lists you’re looking for.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report


      In the Generate Report screen for the Charges report, it sounds like you are talking about using the Charged Item drop-down on the right side of the screen.

      I am talking about advanced filters:

      1. Click on the Expand button.

      2. On the Primary tab:

      a. Select Field Name = Charged Item
      b. Select Condition = Includes...
      c. In the last field, try typing the text that the charged item includes.



        Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

        Hi Mark,
        I understand the process you’ve defined, however, the text field that you’re typing in after you’ve chosen “includes” isn’t a “free text” field, and you cannot use it to define a wildcard filter string. The mentioned field is a drop-down list and not a text input field.

        The "Includes" condition in the Expanded option is good when searching within a string. However, in this case, the search is by the "Charged Item" object, and the "Includes" condition doesn't have any meaning in this case... This can indeed be confusing and we will check how to make it clearer.

        I still think that exporting the charge to excel would provide you with the filterability you’re persuing.

        Hope this helps,


          Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

          Hi Reno,

          We are almost on the same page.

          The mentioned field is a drop-down list and not a text input field.
          Exactly. That is the bug. This should change to a text field when the Condition is "Includes". It does not make sense to have an "Includes" condition when you can only select the entire field.

          The Excel export option is IMO too cumbersome especially considering that I am trying to create a nicely-formatted report that I can save as PDF and send to clients.

          Mark Berry


            Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

            Hi Mark,

            First I’d like to thank you for the input. We are constantly trying to make RangerMSP better for our customers, and we appreciate your ideas.

            Here’s a new idea, tell me what you think. (Tested & Confirmed)

            Since you want a charge report showing only your MSP charges, let’s create a new item type, associate the MSP charges to that item type, and then filter the report to produce only that item type in the account report.

            To do this:

            Lets go to the Items screen > double click an MSP item > click the Item Type field (expence type for expence item, labor type for labor item, part type for part/product item) >

            choose Edit List > Click New > Call it MSP > Set all your MSP items as the new MSP item type.

            I believe it’d be best to create MSP groups for all three types of items, so you’ll have the MSP option ready for selection in any item you choose.

            Once you’ve catagorized all the MSP items in the new category, you’ll be able to filter an account based charges report to only show MSP charges.

            I believe that would bring us much closer to the desired outcome.

            Let me know if it helps



              Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

              Thanks Reno. Yes, I can see how that would work. However I am already using Item Type for things like "System Admin", "HW Maint", "Support", etc.

              So I take it you are saying that the "Charged Item Includes" condition cannot or will not be changed to allow entering substrings?

              Mark Berry


                Re: Can't add "Includes" filter to Charges report

                Hi Mark,

                This change has been added as a feature request.

                In the meantime, perhaps this can help (another idea):

                While adding charges, there’s a field on the bottom of the charge window, right beneath the description field, called Field1.
                If you use this field to set an MSP label, you can use it later to filter reports by it. This is not ideal, as you need to remember to enter this manually, but can definitely help with reports.

                If you like, you can also rename the field by right-clicking the field name, and choosing Field Settings.

                Would this help?


