We have various service level clients and some are charged different rates depending on the time of service (8x5 is one rate and 7x24 is another and Holidays is another).
We also provide remote support and on-site support. If the client requires on-site support, we charge for travel, but we charge half the drive time, so there is no fixed hourly rate because it depends on what time of day the service is provided. Is there a simple way to get all this within one charge?
Ideally multiple drop down options to add all billable items to one charge?
Something to make it simple for techs.
We also provide remote support and on-site support. If the client requires on-site support, we charge for travel, but we charge half the drive time, so there is no fixed hourly rate because it depends on what time of day the service is provided. Is there a simple way to get all this within one charge?
Ideally multiple drop down options to add all billable items to one charge?
Something to make it simple for techs.