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Email Alerts to Customers

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    Email Alerts to Customers

    Is it possible for clients to get and email via the alert connector when one of the following happens.

    1. Create a ticket
    2. Edit/Update Ticket
    3. Close a ticket

    This would be good as it would show the clients we are already on with jobs/preventative maintenance etc. minimising phone calls/email etc.

    If not can this be a feature for the next update please.

    Re: Email Alerts to Customers


    When using the RangerMSP Email Connector, if a client sends in an email which automatically creates a ticket in the database, the client will receive an automatic email reply letting them know the ticket was created.

    Other notifications (e.g. new tickets created manually, or ticket status changes) are not automatically sent to customers at the moment, and require sending an email from the application manually. Note that you can use Email Templates in order to send predefined formats of emails in these events. This can make the process much easier and the emails you send our will look more professional.

    We have an active feature request to allow these types of automatic notifications to be sent to customers. I've added your feedback to this feature request, as well as your vote. We're hoping to enhance this in our coming release and the ones to follow.

    Thanks for the great feedback.

    Reno Breen


      Re: Email Alerts to Customers

      One of our suppliers uses Zendesk.

      One thing which I really liked about Zendesk which I would like to see in CommitCRM it the ability to reply to an email with a question or a resolution and view the history on a ticket.


        Re: Email Alerts to Customers


        Thanks for posting this great feedback. I've marked this as a feature request, and attached your comments to it, as well as your vote. Our development team and product manager will evaluate the implementation possibilities, as soon as possible. For now, we’ve placed it on our list.

        In the mean time, we can suggest a few existing options within the application which may provide you with helpful features:

        1) One helpful option, which can be helpful in case you send this information to employees in the system is subscribing your employees to ticket changes via the Alert Server, by Following the directions in this howto. Each alert sent to your employees also contains links to view/edit the database entity mentioned in the emailed alert message. This also includes allowing your employees to click a link in the ticket alert, which subsequently opens a browser to the RangerMSP Web Interface ticket page, where the history is easily available.

        2) Another option, which can be used when sending emails to employees or customers is using the RangerMSP Email Templates which plant information stored in the database right into your email message. Once the template is triggered, it opens Outlook editor, with the predefined body, already containing the required database information. Sending these templates requires a user to trigger it from the software client. The templates can also include links to the Ticket which is available via the Web Interface.

        More information on this topic can be found here.

        3) The last option I can think of is using reports. The RangerMSP software client & Web Interface also you to generate any report in the system either created by the administrator, or shipped with the system. These reports can be viewed onscreen, printed, or emailed in PDF format. In the report you can include any data you wish regarding the ticket.

        For more information regarding RangerMSP Reports, please click here.

        Let us know if you need anything else.

        Reno Breen


          Re: Email Alerts to Customers

          You have our vote for this feature as well. I think this would VERY nicely round out the ticket feature inCommitCRM. We would like to see the system email our customers on a change to the ticket (e.g. history note, details update, when the ticket is closed, etc). This would greatly improve our customer communication!

          Another feature that is related would be to allow our customers to reply to a ticket response by keeping the ticket # in the subject line in-tact. I've seen this on other systems and it seems to make a lot of sense. That way, the customer replies to the email generated by the system and it is automagically added as a history note on the ticket, keeping everything in the ticket thread with no manual intervention.

          Thanks as always for the excellent software!


            Re: Email Alerts to Customers


            Thanks for commenting on this feature request; vote added. :-)

            Please note that any email sent from the Email Connector can be replied to, and if the RangerMSP email address is left in any of the target fields (To, CC, Bcc), then the system will receive the message, process it, and once the ticket number is located in the subject line by the system, the email will be filed under the correct ticket, with a history entry that states that the email has been received.

            If using the RangerMSP Alert Server, then the ticket manager in charge of the ticket will be notified of the change to the ticket automatically, as well as the account manager, and any other users that are subscribed to alerts for any ticket in the system.

            We think that this method is quite similar to the feature request that schnutz122 has posted; Let us know if this doesn’t answer the need here.

            For more information regarding RangerMSP Email Threading, please click here.



              Re: Email Alerts to Customers

              Add a plus one vote on these features. I just started evaluating the application and this is the first thing I noticed that should be a feature. My suggestion would be to allow options to select which events are sent. For example, I would only want my clients to receive a message that the ticket was created. They don’t need to know every step in the resolution process, but once the ticket is closed they should receive an automated message. Others may want the flexibility to send updates for every change for complete tracking, but this would send way too many messages to the client IMO. For my clients, they just want to know that we are addressing the issues and want to know that they've been taken care of. They don't really care how the solution was made, just that a solution was made. The manual notification should also be left as an option. The second issue I see here, unless I don’t have it setup correctly is this: When a client sends a message to the mailbox that monitors incoming requests to create tickets it does that. I don’t monitor this account for activity, since requests are popped off the server, and any messages that can’t create a ticket are sent an alternative account for review- the one I use for general correspondence. When I manually send a message when the ticket is closed, it doesn’t come from support, but the general account. I don’t see where I can change the send from settings in the program. I guess you could change it in your email message- but seems a rather clunky way to do this. Additionally, if a customer was to reply to the message, and the app had the ability to append the thread to the ticket, the connector would not pick it up since it isn’t the support account that is being monitored. I hope that made sense. 2cents from me...


                Re: Email Alerts to Customers

                Isn't this coming in the next release? I thought email threading was the big ticket on the list...?


                  Re: Email Alerts to Customers

                  Ticket email threading and basic alerts to customers (opened/closed) will be part of the coming RangerMSP 5.3 release.

                  More information will be posted near the release.

                  ** update **
                  RangerMSP 5.3 has been released with Alerts to Customers feature. See more details in Alerts to Customers.


