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Recurring Tickets

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    Recurring Tickets

    We schedule recurring visits to certain customers who pay by the hour for our on-site support. I have figured out how to dispatch a ticket and make the appointment a recurring appointment on the engineer's calendar. It appears this just puts multiple appointments into the "Pending" items for the ticket. I would perfer to have a separate ticket for each of these scheduled visits that our engineers can close\"complete" each week. Obviously we can just enter each of the recurring appointments manually. Is there a way to have a re-occurring ticket generate automatically or to duplicate a ticket each week? Thanks.

    Re: Recurring Tickets


    This can be achieved when using Activity Templates with Contracts. The way this works is that you create a monthly contract for a customer, and create an activity template which holds your tickets & appointments info. Once the activity template is applied to the contract, the tickets & appointments will be created with the options you set. When renewing/copying the contract either to the next month or to another customer, the activity template will also be copied to the subsequent contract, passing the same tickets and appointments to the subsequent contracts.

    For more information regarding Activity Templates for Contracts, please click here.

    Please let us know if this can work for you, or if you have any questions on this topic.


    Reno Breen

