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Report Group By

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    Report Group By

    I am trying to create a report that shows only the number of completed tickets per employee, but no ticket detail. To do this I modified a ticket list and added a group by on the "Ticket - Manager field".

    When I generate the report it is not grouping it by the manager name. It is totally random. It's weird because It's identical to the other report that groups tickets by employee name, except for the fact that there is no detail. I just have a Count(RECID) in the Group Footer to count the completed tickets...

    Any ideas?



    Re: Report Group By

    Ok, I copied the report again and made my changes again, and it works now... I must have messed something up somewhere... Who knows.

    Is there a way to do a group by "month"?



      Re: Report Group By

      Oh, and one more thing... Is there a way to display the "filter data" on the report.

      For instance, I would like to be able to show on the report that the report was run from 1/1/2010 to 1/31/2010. Make sense? Otherwise I have no idea what date range it was for...




        Re: Report Group By

        Hi Luke,

        Thanks for posting this.
        I've created a Ticket Counting report that shows the ticket count for each employee in the report, and also shows a count for all employees at the bottom; let us know if you want us to copy the report.

        However, in these types of reports, the filtering criteria cannot be added to the report. So the only thing we can suggest for now is to either standardize your reports so that you would label the report as a monthly report, while only using specific filters on that report (unless marked specifically otherwise using handwriting).

        Grouping by months cannot be done in the reports since the design layout filtering options cannot be locked on specific sub-value within a complex database value such as date values. This means that different reports will need to be printed for each month you want to report on.

        An alternative option would be to export the ticket information to 3rd party reports and statistics software so that you can create charts and graphs that represent open/close rate, time statistics, group statistics based on months, etc. Using the RangerMSP ODBC connector, you can configure the ticket data to always be available in ODBC compliant software such as Excel and CrystalReports.

        Hope this helps.



          Re: Report Group By

          You know, I've tried the ODBC option via Access & Excel. I've spent hours and hours trying to get them to get the reports out that I want and finally I just gave up. I know Access pretty well, but it was hanging up on filtering the date because the date and time are both in the same field...

          Maybe you guys should think about updating the reporting engine or at least provide an Access DB that is "preconfigured" to run some nice CommitCRM reports. That would be really sweet!

          Thanks for the help,



            Re: Report Group By

            Hi Luke,

            Thanks for the tip.
            I'll make sure it gets passed on.

            Let us know if you need anything else.


