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MSP (IMAC - Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes)

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    MSP (IMAC - Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes)


    We are currently reviewing our manage support offering and some that has come up time and time again are routine change requests, our idea is that we wil do most of the work for the customer and only certains tasks will fall outside the scope of the agreement.

    How do you currently handle IMAC (Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes) requests from your customers?

    Do you include everything in your contract (setting up new pc's, upgrading hardware etc)?

    Or do you allot a monthly hourly limit forchange requests stuff like setting up new PCs? how do you determine how many hours customer should get a month?

    Do you offer unlimited remote change requests and limited onsite change requests? and do you limit how long the change requests should be?

    Or do you simply just charge for any change requests to the customer?

    I would be interested in hearing what you do.


    Re: MSP (IMAC - Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes)

    We have contracts which include a certain number on support hours per month. We bill in 15 minute blocks. It works well, the only bit that isn't crystal clear is if we're asked to do a job that literally would take 2 minutes to do remotely. We dont feel comfortable charging a 15 minute block for this so we're trialling having a ticket open called "Small jobs" or similar and we just add the little jobs to this with how long it took inthe notes. I checkthe job every now and then and if i think its hit the 15 min mark (after 2-4 mini jobs) I bill the 15 minutes.


      Re: MSP (IMAC - Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes)

      we record every job(even 2 minutes) and mark it as unbillable:
      At the end of the month we will show the customer what we have done without charging them:

      I think it is a good idea.


        Re: MSP (IMAC - Installs, Moves, Adds & Changes)

        We have all-you-can-eat for existing hardware and software (which covers MAC but geneally not I in IMAC).
        We sell new workstations, etc. at a bundled price including labor.
        We charge for any new type of 3rd party software install and after install then maintenance, help desk, upgrades are included in the contract.
        Workstation rebuilds, moves, new employees, deleted employees are all included in the fixed price contract.

