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Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support

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    Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support

    So over the years clients have become very "comfortable" with just emailing my "luke@mydomain" account for support. Now with Commit's email integration that seems to be steadily improving, I'm trying to figure out the best way to curtail that without being annoying to clients.

    any advice? I thought about just forwarding the emails into my "support@mydomain" account, but then I don't know how that would get applied to the correct account.

    It would be kind of cool if CommitCRM had an "Outlook toolbar" that you could click on to create a ticket/charge/asset/appoinment out of the selected email. What do you guys think about that idea?



    Re: Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support

    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for posting this.
    Using the RangerMSP Email Connector's automated email feature, you can set up a rule that you can use to pass email tickets yourself from MS Outlook to the system using emails on behalf of your customers. For more information regarding this topic, please click here.

    Once you set this up, you can forward any email to RangerMSP with your customer identification criteria in the subject line.

    Let us know if this helps.



      Re: Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support


      I haven't automated this process because like you I don't want to annoy them.

      On our Exchange server all of my techs have access to the inbox that the email connector uses ( So when we get an email from a client sent directly to us that really should have been sent to support address we copy (or cut) the email from our Outlook inbox, then open the Outlook inbox for support account (file, open, other users folder) and then paste the email into that inbox.

      By doing it this way Commit's email connector doesn't seem to notice that the email wasn't really sent to It will just see an email in the inbox and process it just like just like any other email that was sent directly to it. Then as long as the account exists in CommitCRM it will get properly attached and any automated ticket emails will be sent. Also in many cases the customer will notice start to use that address to tickets and email directly for other items. It also allows me to be selective about about which emails get turned into tickets and which ones don't.

      I've been happy with this setup and didn't have to mess around with the automated email features yet (for this at least). That being said it would be nice to have some Outlook toolbar integration as well.

      We originally looked at just forwarding the emails to the email connector address. But by doing that they would get attached to our account. This would be such a big deal but it is a pain to copy tickets from one account to another. CommitCRM - Please, Please Please allow us to change the account associated with a ticket to another account. Throw up a warning if you want but don't make us have to do this whole copy process.




        Re: Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support

        Ed, what do you think about the idea of forwarding the email, but modifying the subject or body so that it contains something like [CustomerID=XXXX]. Then using the email connector to search for that CustomerID and add it to the correct account.

        I think that is what I am going to do... Somehow. :)


          Re: Best way to get customers to use support@mydomain for support

          That was what I originally was going to do and I believe is the only option if I want to be able to perform this while away from my desk. The reason I didn't go this route (yet at least) is because I would need to refer to a list of customer ID #'s to update that field with. When I am in the office it is just alot easier to copy/paste the email from my inbox to the support box.

          Also would that way of doing it get the ticket assigned to the correct secondary contact or just to the main account?


