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Track Support Minutes

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    Track Support Minutes

    Thinking of getting CommitCRM but had a few basic questions that we wouldn't want to give up with our current solution:

    1. Can CommitCRM keep a running total of remaining support minutes? All of our end-users purchase blocks of support time. I'd like our techs to know when someone's support is running low or expired. What we do now is to enter the support call, click an icon, and then it deducts that amount of time we spent today from that total.

    2. Is there a web-based interface that my techs can use to keep track of open cases? I'd like an easy to use interface so that whenever a tech logs in, he can see a list of all open issues that can either be handled or assigned to another tech.

    Guess that's about it for now...plan to try the trial shortly.

    Re: Track Support Minutes

    Hi gumdoc,

    Thanks for asking this.

    1. Yes, RangerMSP includes a Block of Time Contract that helps you easily track the time left on the time block. Even time entry (aka Labor Charge) entered under this Contract deducts the time from the block. When entering time technicians see how much time is left and are being alerted in case no more time left on this Contract.
    You can learn more about Contracts here

    2. Yes, Web Interface for Employees module, available with the trial you download, supports exactly this. Technician can log in remotely, see their open Tickets, Assign Tickets to others, log time entries, manage scheduled on-site visits, Customer Assets, and much more.
    The setup user guide can be found here.
    I hope this helps.


