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folder mapping settings --

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    folder mapping settings --

    not sure I have this figured out... my thinking is that tickets created by emails should end up in a sub-folder under the client folder under the master documents folder (from the server):
    D:\COMPANYDATA\CommitCRM\Docs\<client folder>\EmailedTickets

    yet tickets seem to all go into a single folder (again, from the server):

    In the Folder Mapping Settings I have...
    Allow Folders: T:\EmailedTickets*D:\COMPANYDATA\CommitCRM\Emailed Tickets\
    Default Filing Folder: (1) = D:\COMPANYDATA\CommitCRM\EmailedTickets\ and (2) = T:\EmailedTickets\

    even when the sender is assigned to an account, all the emails getdumped into the single folder...

    thanks --


    Re: folder mapping settings --

    Starting in version 5.3 of RangerMSP Emails are no longer considered as Documents (but rather as "Email Messages"). All folder mapping options and default affects Documents and not to email messages related to Ticket Email Threading. This means that standard folder mapping settings for Accounts have nothing to do in this case and does not affect where the email messages are stored. From 5.3 Email Messages are displayed within the Ticket itself with all the text etc. and you can always click the Open Original link to open the original Email message in Outlook (regardless of where it is stored).

    When you drag an Email message from your Outlook into the Account/Ticket/etc. in RangerMSP, a new Document will be created for this email and all the folder mappings are in affect (including the folder set specifically to each Account). However, this is not to be confused with Ticket Email Threading messages managed automatically be the email connector.



      Re: folder mapping settings --

      so potentially we could end up with a folder that has houndreds of thousands of email files? hmmm...


