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Performing an action against multiple tickets

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    Performing an action against multiple tickets

    Every week I have over 100 tickets created in a short period of time via Labtech. Those tickets are all completed, etc, resolutions logged - there's nothing I have to do... EXCEPT for getting them all out of the inbox.

    Is there a way to select multiple tickets at the same time and remove them from the inbox, complete them, change status, etc?

    Re: Performing an action against multiple tickets

    Unfortunately not at this stage. One question though - aren't these Tickets already synced with RangerMSP? Do you complete them in LabTech of RangerMSP? and if in LabTech, wouldn't it be better to complete them in RangerMSP, have the completion synced TO LabTech and not getting any more updates from LabTech re these Tickets? (this may prevent the Tickets from getting these completed into your Inbox).



      Re: Performing an action against multiple tickets

      I don't understand what the difference is... I have labtech open a ticket, tell me what updates it installed, add time, and close the ticket. That is all automated. After it closes the ticket, Labtech never does anything again. If do what you are saying, then I would have to "Complete" AND "Remove from Inbox" 100 tickets. At least now, I just have to right click and "remove from inbox" on a 100 tickets.


        Re: Performing an action against multiple tickets

        Got that. Thanks. I didn't realized that all these Tickets are automated from start-to-finish, it makes perfect sense now.



          Re: Performing an action against multiple tickets

          Ahh, ok.

          Back to the initial question, could we have a "Batch update" for tickets like you have for accounts? Add my vote.


            Re: Performing an action against multiple tickets


            not saying that this is a solution.
            I HAD to develop an app, for calculating unit price for the reports.

            And you could get an app developed, to do the stuff you wanted.

