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User defined field in report

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    User defined field in report


    I have created some user defined fields under Tickets.

    How do I print these fields on a custom report ?

    Best regards,

    Re: User defined field in report

    When designing the report in the Report Designer these data fields should appear in the data field selection drop down list. In case you've just added the fields log out from RangerMSP and in again and go to the designer.



      Re: User defined field in report

      Yes and No.

      It does show up when designing a ticket report.
      But it does not show up when designing a charges report.

      I can see about 20 tickets fields when designing a charges report, but no user defined ticket fields.

      Naturally you cannot access the ticket data from fx account reports.
      But you should be able to access all the ticket data from the charges report.

      So what am I missing ?


        Re: User defined field in report

        The new data fields you've created using the field customization options in RangerMSP for the Ticket entity are available to the all Ticket details reports, ones that the Ticket is the main entity. Unfortunately when customizing Charge based reports the custom Ticket fields you created are not available. You may consider using our API and have ODBC access to the database, this will allow you to get access to any field in any table.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: User defined field in report

          You write:
          You may consider using our API and have ODBC access to the database, this will allow you to get access to any field in any table.

          Can you be more specific ?

          Will this activate the 'lost' fields in your report designer ?


            Re: User defined field in report

            ODBC access allows you to directly access the database tables. You will be able to explore the database and see which information is stored in each table. You will also be able to generate reports if you'll be using a tool, like Crystal Reports, to merge and link all information into a single report. You do need some background about how database are constructed and how each field is used.

            Hope this helps.


              Re: User defined field in report

              How about this.

              Include a USEFUL report designer. It is so EASY!.

              Keep your current report designer, for compatibility for all users.
              Make a new tab with a the new report designer, I can recommend

              It only have to include it on a new tab. And you are ready to go in few minutes.
              Whats in it for US (customers) -
              We do whatever we want EASY and FAST and FLEXIBLE in minutes.

              So please consider.

              Written by a Delphi Expert.


                Re: User defined field in report

                I know nothing is easy - and if it were it would probably be done already... with that said however, the issue of report functionality (or lack thereof) comes up it seems, all the time. It is very high on my personal list of most needed/wanted features. The report builder that is included barely gets by.

                I really get tired of posts saying ODBC. ODBC is not simple. It requires a LOT of time, and then requires everyone to re-invent the wheel individually. Sell a better report designer if you want to - charge for it, I don't care... But I do agree that it is really time for 2.0.


                  Re: User defined field in report

                  Hi Ipopejoy,

                  I hate when someone thinks is isnt easy or simple. It is. But of course it is not simple or easy for people who don't know how to do it, or what tools to use.

                  I have made this in about 1.5 hours.

                  x Connection to the CommitCRM DB via ODBC/SQL
                  x Use of all fields from Cards (Customers) and from Tickets.
                  x Made a fully customized report with colors and so on showing all customers and related tickets.

                  Piece of cake u see.
                  The user code behind is 100 lines of real code - I wrote about 25 of them. Rest is system generated.

                  So tell me why CommitCRM doesnt make a fully customized report engine ? It is almost free of charge, and can be done without interferring with existing setups.
                  A new tab, place the engine, and add the datasources. Rest it up to the end user. This would be a start - or just place it, let it be for future use, ha.

                  Here is some screendumps of my program.
                  the editor:

                  the report result (some of it)

                  Credits goes to WPTOOLS - a pnp engine for delphi.


                    Re: User defined field in report

                    Ok, that's really cool - at least what I can see. So make an addon and sell it like the guy is doing with the web interface... or post a bunch of screen shots and maybe everybody else will get jealous. I'll look into your WPtools thing. Looks cool, but I'm not a Delphi programmer by any sense of the imagination.

                    In short, I'm sure there's a reason why CommitCRM does what they do... and jumping on a board, telling people they don't know what they are doing won't get you anywhere - on Commit's forum or anywhere else. Sure we both know there's some things that need to change, but come at it with some tact and maybe you will get further.

                    At any rate, thanks for your links and looking into the whole reporting thing. Hopefully it will be a step in the right direction.


                      Re: User defined field in report

                      What version of the Wptools software did you use? What's the learning curve?


                        Re: User defined field in report

                        In my case I used Delphi 2007, WPTools 5 and the free Advantage Delphi components.

                        CommitCRM should use an older version of WPTools (or upgrade their project and meet halfway) But there are other report engines, which I havnt tried.

                        I know that a lot of programmers are afraid of their own code (it could break, yes, and you can fix it), and upgrading a project seems like a nightmare - but dont be affraid, because it is your OWN code, the nightmare would be if it wasnt your code.


                          Re: User defined field in report

                          The Learning curve.

                          For Commit,

                          Well, all programming is hard to get started, but when you got t, it is not that bad.

                          New tab, easy,
                          Place WPTools components, easy.
                          Setup the Tools, takes time if you are new to it.
                          Make data availible for WP report, easy, but will take some time.
                          Make the WP supermerge, first time, difficult if you havnt tried it before.Creates the reports, very easy, when every above is in order.

                          For end users,
                          Use the WPTools merge function, just like when inserting fields in MS Word, when you use Words merge function. So ordinary reports is easy. But if you go for a very very specialized report, is would get harder naturally.

