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Time to get into year 2000 ?

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    Time to get into year 2000 ?

    Hi Commit,

    First of all, you are doing a great job.
    When this is said, you are also doing a bad job. Why ?

    Well, I have been using your software for some time, and are selling it to my customers.
    But your product are missing alot of features which would take your software to the highest level. Features which should be included from scratch. Features that are standard in the component from newer versions of Delphi.
    And actually, it is very easy to do.

    CommitCRM is made in Delphi 3 (from 1997) - I am not telling you to go the newest version of Delphi. But if I were you, you should REALLY consider, upgrading your project to Delphi 7 (which also is old, but very compatible for upgrading projects)
    It is not as hard as you think.

    What do you (we) get out of it. We customers, will get easy features from every component you use from Delphi 7. Could be DB grid editor. Or access to ALL database fields in the report designer.

    So instead of that we customers have to use a lot of time and cowboy tricks to make out CommitCRM to work the way we want it. You can spend 2-3 days in project upgrading only once and SPARE us for a lot of work.

    I am having really troubles with your report designer, because it cannot access database fields as it SHOULD. dammit.

    I am a Delphi expert, and it should not give you any troubles as long as you first go to max Delphi 7.

    Re: Time to get into year 2000 ?

    itognet -

    Your post if FAR (I mean really far) from being accurate in any possible way.

    Anyway, you are a customer of ours and we appreciate your feedback.

    You have repeatedly posted forum threads about the built in Report Designer.
    We have noted your feedback.

    We offer an open API that you can use if you have some background with databases or some knowledge in using tools like Crystal Reports.

    Best Regards,

    The Support Team

