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Dispatcher window

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    Dispatcher window

    When you are looking at the dispatcher, how can you see all open tickets marked for dispatching?

    It looks like i can only see the ones that are assigned to a specific employee.

    I know i can see all open tickets from the tickets window, but how do i get this in the dispatch window?


    In the ticket window, how difficult would it be to have a option for recently closed tickets like within the last 2-3 days.

    Then a manager can quickly glance at the newly closed tickets to make sure all is kosher.

    Would also give the ability to make a quick follow up calls to important clients to make sure the techs are going a good job and see if they have any questions, etc. (That's what i would use it for anyway)

    Re: Dispatcher window

    The Dispatcher does show all Tickets waiting to be dispatched.
    Click here to review the Dispatcher FAQ and learn how to mark a Ticket to show in the Dispatcher.

    Note that if a user does not have the privileges to see Tickets of other employees then they will not show.


    You can already quite easily see a list of Ticket that were closed in the last few days. Here's how:
    Open the Tickets main Window.
    Select the 'Completed' option in the left side pane.
    Click the Close Date column to sort the Completed Tickets list by the date the Tickets were closed.

    Done! You can now review the recently closed Tickets.

    You can further filter the list to see only Tickets assigned to specific technicians, etc.

    Hope this helps,


      Re: Dispatcher window

      You are right. Still getting used to the new layout i guess.

      About item 2,

      When you hit closed tickets, isnt this every last ticket ever created that was closed?

      I didnt want to hit closed tickets and have to wait for the time it takes to populate such a list. Then sort by date, even though that works.

      I was going off my quickbooks experience, if we search the entire database without putting in a date filter first, we are looking at a 10-30 minute wait. (12 years of invoices).


        Re: Dispatcher window

        You can safely hit the Closed option on the navigation pane, it should work fine. Besides, you can always click the Filter option on the toolbar, define a date limit criteria to the Close Date field and only then move to the Closed Tickets (in any case, I believe it'll work for you well even without the Filtering trick, though the option is there).


