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Customize privileges

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    Customize privileges

    When i try to customize the privileges in the subcontractor group, some options are all or none.

    Is this intentional?

    When i un-check edit other employees' calendars, it is all or none. I would like to to be able to view, but not edit someones' appointments.

    When i un-check delete for lists and values, its all or none.

    It seems random to which ones you can edit separately, and which are all or nothing. Is there a break down as to which ones you can edit independently?

    Re: Customize privileges

    What you describe is exactly how it works - this is true for both the subcontractors group as well as to other groups. Some of the supported options are indeed all or nothing, while with others you have full control about specific sub items.

    You can ready more about what each privilege option does here.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Customize privileges

      I read that previously, but it doesn't tell me which options are all or nothing. Is there a more comprehensive list somewhere?


        Re: Customize privileges

        The article covers all options and explains each. Whether it is All/Nothing or specific options you will be able to see when configuring the group. Actually you can review the article together with a "dummy" privilege group you create for testing purposes and you can then freely select/unselect all options.
        Besides, we will be looking at mentioning this in the article itself. Thanks for asking.



          Re: Customize privileges


