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Price list that shows price including Tax

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    Price list that shows price including Tax

    I am having a bit of a drama trying to make a price list report that shows the price of the item with the tax added.

    I have been over the online help but still seem to be doing something wrong.

    If anyone has a Price list template that has Tax added so the customer sees the final price he/she has to pay could you please put it on the template downloads thread.

    cheers in advance


    Re: Price list that shows price including Tax

    Hi Dave,

    Taxes that assigned to Items only become relevant when you Charge customers to which you also assign the very same taxes.

    In other words - a tax is being added only when the save tax code is assigned to both the Item and the customer Account.

    Therefore, a list of items with their Taxes cannot displayed as no customer Accounts are involved.

    You can read all about taxes here.

    I hope this helps.


      Re: Price list that shows price including Tax

      would be nice to have the function available in the future as at the moment I have to export the list then amend it in Excel.

      and thanks Sheli for the VERY FAST responce 6 min WOW

