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next update is When????

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    next update is When????

    I have purchased a one year upgrade so far 6 months down the line, and not one new release is out, that make me feel $200 left out of pocket. especially when on the site says that a new release is put every 3 months, 90 days or so.
    when will a new release came out? hopefully before of my upgrade license investment runs out

    Re: next update is When????

    Thank you for asking.

    Following your post I researched your account and in case I located it correctly based on your forum user I noticed that you have subscribed for upgrades. At the time you subscribed you received codes to upgrade your older system to the latest version, 5.5, which was about 3 releases newer than the version you previously had. This means that you already received a lot of value for your $189.

    Looking at it in another way, a single upgrade at that time would have cost you $149 to get the version upgrades you have received.

    So, for an additional amount of $40 you became subscribed for upgrades.

    Our average is to release about 4 versions/yr but this does not mean that a new version is released every 90 days. Some versions were released after 90 days, some after 45 and others after 180 days.

    RangerMSP 5.6 will be released to beta soon. We have faced some delays that definitely did not make us happy but we prefer to release stronger and more stable versions and this is why we've been holding it in our lab longer.

    We hope to have good news soon and I am sure that you will be very happy with the new options.

    I hope this makes sense and we appreciate your interest in the coming version of RangerMSP



      Re: next update is When????

      Surely you would expect that after i purchased Annual Upgrade Plan for 1-2 Active Employee Licenses of $189, that would be to upgrade my old license, plus any other version that would came out throughout the year. thats the point of an annual upgrade, so that you dont have to buy upgrades all the time.
      that was almost 6 months ago, i purchased an anual license so i expect some more upgrades not just just the one i upgrade , by the time you release 5.6 if, my anual license will be gone by then.
      That makes me feel mislead by the statement made in the website. you may call value for money of course, but i as a customer call that a good misleading money maker.



        Re: next update is When????

        Ok, I'm just as impatient as anyone else, but in Commit's defense, they have always done well with new releases. 5.6 that is in development now has been in development longer than any other release. That either means all their developers quit... or else they've got some good features coming out when it is released. I'm hoping for the later.

        If you've used the software long, I'm sure you know that it is a fairly stable platform - sure it's got some warts and it isn't perfect - I'm as quick to point that out as anyone as well... BUT, generally speaking, with the things that it does, it works. I would credit that to a strong commitment to the overall quality of the product. I know there's no direct way to translate that in to $$'s saved for you, but we all know it comes in somewhere!

        I would anticipate that 5.6 will be released before your 6 months is finished, and so you should definitely get your value for your money!

        My .02.



          Re: next update is When????

          We never mislead our customers.

          We release, on average, 4 releases every 12 months.
          This does not mean new version every 90 days.

          I'm sure that you will enjoy the upgrade to 5.6 and benefit from it.



            Re: next update is When????

            Thanks Luke for your support.

            (btw, it's the 2nd option...)



              Re: next update is When????

              it looks like by the time the next stable release be out of beta my upgrade would be gone by then my $189 for an anual upgrade would have been a simple version upgrade.(NOW that is misleading,if that proves to be the case ,i would demand my money back, and proof your misleading acts, i hope i am wrong, but i would be here to remind you if that happens.]

              And yes i am sure i will enjoy the next release, if, if my annual upgrade hasn't expired by then.


                Re: next update is When????

                I believe that you will receive 5.6 as part of your subscription and will enjoy its benefits the same as you have enjoyed the upgrades it already provided you with.



                  Re: next update is When????

                  "I believe that you will receive 5.6 as part of your subscription and will enjoy its benefits the same as you have enjoyed the upgrades it already provided you with.

                  Remember those words Sheli, because i will expect that.




                    Re: next update is When????

                    I'm with Luke on this one...

                    >> ...but we prefer to release stronger and more stable versions and this is why we've been holding it in our lab longer.

                    I would MUCH rather wait, even if I had to spend $189 for a year with no upgrades, to get a better/stable product... From the hints and suggestions I've heard, it sounds like 5.6 has some good updates and improvements and I would absolutely prefer that it gets properly tested and documented before I roll it into our production systems... this software is a line of business application for us, a lot of transactions goes through it and we just can't afford to do it any other way.

                    Dan, it sounds like you are somewhat new to CommitCRM... I will second Luke in saying that the product is good, the company and people are solid, they stand behind their product and listen to their community for input and feedback. I can understand some of your frustration (Sheli and this community knows that I get frustrated at times as well) but remember that CommitCRM is on your side... they are not out "to get you" and they are working hard to make the product better for our businesses.

                    my $0.02



                      Re: next update is When????

                      I decided to wait until an upgrade was available before purchasing the upgrade plan. Good move on my part! ;) I will subscribe once 5.6 is released though.


                        Re: next update is When????

                        Lets hope they prove me wrong, but so far I've been scam, regardless how nice they try to put things down. my upgrade will run out in 11/2011, let see what happen.
                        i am sure i am not going to be only one feeling mislead, by CommitCRM.


                          Re: next update is When????

                          Dan, Based on my past experience with CommitCRM I would be shocked if you don't see 5.6 as well as another 1 or 2 upgrades before your upgrade runs out.



                            Re: next update is When????

                            - to danrcf

                            I'm relatively new to CommitCRM and am as anxious as anyone else for the next release. (we are a Zenith partner and anxiously await that integration) As I understand it, you paid $189 and were brought current through at least a couple of releases of the software. We've been providing computer support for more that 20 years. (yes, back when we all got very excited to see a terminal that could run at 9600 baud) We've also used Connectwise and Autotask in house. IMHO - had I spent $189 to jump several versions I wouldn't be too worried about timing on the next release. Considering what Connectwise and Autotask cost per month or what other software costs in comparison, the $189 was one heck of a bargain.

                            I for one would rather see only 1 update per year that was rock solid and just worked than to have four updates per year that each cost me time and effort because they weren't fully tested and ready to go into production.

                            Just my .02 as well.



                              Re: next update is When????


                              You'll be very happy with the quality of their releases. I have been involved with a few of their past betas and even when the beta reaches us there is very little that doesn't work right. Upgrading to the latest release has never been a concern because they do extremely well with the testing of the releases. I wish I could say the same for some other programs we use.

                              So you can have more then 1 upgrade a year and still get rock solid upgrades :-)


