Yeesh, Seems this is where the good news ends!
Just noticed this is per connection and not per license.... we are gonna need to cough up $729...! (this is the 'offer' price) lol
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
I agree, that is where the good news ends, the price is steep.
@CommitCRM Users, How many people are using the SQL link?
@CommitCRM Support, do you think you would get more sales with a lower price?
Does sybase charge that much per connection, or it is just a nice markup?
Support Team
Re: Can RangerMSP be run via VPN?
Correct. if you use about 15 RangerMSP client sessions at the very same time then the 15 concurrent connections license is required. It is indeed indeed $729 (which is about $49/connection) for a lifetime license.
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
What exactly counts as a connection?
Support Team
Re: Can RangerMSP be run via VPN?
An application that runs and connects to the database, like RangerMSP client.
Note: during the same user session and the same PC if you run RangerMSP and another program that you developed (based on the RangerMSP API) then it will only count as one.
Do not confuse this with multiple remote sessions where each session counts as one.
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
Seems like it really is only per user except for the modules then?
Unless we are running an api that doesn't run on top of the CommitCRM client?
What happens if we run out of sql connection licenses? Will it warn us, default back to the non sql connection, or refuse to connect for that user until another user logs off?
What about some of my previous questions;
Do you think you would get more sales with a lower price?
Does sybase charge that much per connection, or it is just a nice markup?
Is there an SQL trial?
Is it easy to switch to and from sybase SQL if we are not impressed with it?
How much bandwidth is required per user using the SQL upgrade?
Support Team
Re: Can RangerMSP be run via VPN?
It is per database connection. Any program of any type that access the database consume a connection, with the note I mentioned about (same PC / session).
If all connections are used a message will pop when using the client saying that it cannot connect to the database. It does not default back to the non SQL version.
The "previous" questions -
Lower prices means more sales - probably.
Yes, it's a per connection originally by the vendor, we did not invent anything here and this is not where we make our profits from.
Trial - In some cases as a third party is also involved. You can contact us by email for more information.
Easy - yes.
Bandwidth - I don't have exact numbers, I can say that that it consumes much less bandwidth. Please keep in mind that we still recommend (performance wise) using RangerMSP client over Terminal Services for remote sessions.
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
We've been using the SQL version ever since we started using Labtech. I can't really relate to the comments on price. IMO, the pricing of CommitCRM overall is great. Find another CRM package for our industry that does what this one does at this cost (seriously, let me know if exists!). The value that the SQL version brought, to me, makes the price question a non-issue. Benefits:
Reports run MUCH faster
Performance of the client is increased
VPN access
RDP access
ODBC works better/faster
Backups can be performed without stopped DB services (and can be automated).
Did I miss anything? At most of our hourly rates, the cost of the SQL upgrade is covered by billing a couple extra hours. IMO, the value that the SQL version brings to the table has allowed me to spend less time doing CommitCRM stuff and more delivering value for our clients. It is helpful to look at stuff like this as an investment rather than an expense.
RE the VPN access... TBH, I don't use this much due to the face that my upload here is only 5Mbps. However, I used RDP all the time. I can confirm that CommitCRM caches the exe's locally when using the VPN though, but it IS still slow - but definitely usable.
That's my .02.
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
Getting back to the original posts from 2008 I think the ideal long term solution is to get the web interface up to full functionality. Running through a VPN without a SQL server will always entail the client side having to drag large amounts of data across the WAN. There is only so much the devs can to speed that up.
Has anyone tried to run CommitCRM as a remote application through either Citrix or TS Web Access?
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
You can't really call it SQL can you? I mean, it is more of a psuedo-SQL as it is still the same flat file database files, only accesed using client/server technology and sql commands. I mean, its not like MySql, or Microsoft SQL or any other SQL for that matter. It's more like Pervasive "Sql", another flat file SQL overlay. For the price, the "SQL" is worth it and has requied zero maintenance... What would 15 user MSSql cost you if you didn't have the Action Pack? It is nutso that the "server" takes up one license. That means it's not really SQL, its an SQL overlay. CommitCRM should absorb the cost of that one license "overhead". Thats expensive.
That said, How do I get it to run over the VPN with local files on my desktop? I tried running the shortcut across the VPN and it timed out, saying can't connect to Advantage database.... Do you have a step by step for VPN access?
Support Team
Re: Can RangerMSP be run via VPN?
We totally disagree with you. MySQL, just one example, is implemented in the the very same way. In any case, please contact us directly for more information about configuring it.
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
I am used to seeing all the related tables and fields in an SQL datbase in a container, not flat files in a directory. It is interesting that CommitCRM can use the same files with or without the Advantage Database Engine. I did some research and stand corrected. Because it sits between the commands and the data, and uses SQL queries, its SQL. Sybase has lost marketshare over the years, but for the price its a value and is working well for us withCommitCRM. It is optimized for Delphi, and I see now why you are so proud of it. My only objection is the cost of one CommitCRM licence and one Sybase license for the "server" but would be the subject for another thread.....
Re: Can CommitCRM be run via VPN?
So, how do I arrange a trial of the SQL?
For the relative costs, I need to evaluate this in a real live environment before committing to the purchase.
Support Team
Re: Can RangerMSP be run via VPN?
You are welcome to contact us directly by email and we will arrange a special trial for this for you.