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Batch changing directory of Docs folder

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    Batch changing directory of Docs folder

    Hello CommitCRM and fellow techs

    Is there a way to batch change the documents folder location within CommitCRM

    ie from C:/CRM/Docs/client to C:/11 commitcrm/Docs/client

    or will I have to redirect each file in the documents folder one at a time.

    Regards Dave

    Re: Batch changing directory of Docs folder

    Thank you for posting this. Yes, there is a utility for updating document paths. You can read the full instructions and download the utility from here.

    Note that you should make a backup before running this or any other batch update.

    Hope that helps.


      Re: Batch changing directory of Docs folder

      Dear CommitCRM, I have tried the patch but when I drag a file into a ticket or account it keeps saving to the old directory location.

      Old location C:\CRM\Docs\

      the new location should be

      C:\Users\David0651053416\Documents\11 CommitCRM\Docs\

      can you assist further please.

      I have setup the new location in options> documents


        Re: Batch changing directory of Docs folder

        Please check that the Docs Dir for the specific Account is not showing the old path - you can see it on the Details tab in the Accounts window. The utility changes paths for existing docs but new docs will go to the old folder if that is still set for the Account in question.


          Re: Batch changing directory of Docs folder

          Thats the problem. I guess I will have to change all the accounts to the new directory.

          Thanks for all the help as usual a great service.


