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Activity Templates

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    Activity Templates

    Hi All,

    I am new to CommitCRM but so far I like how it works and the feel around it :)

    I have been requested to fix up the install at the current company I am working for and would like to have a few questions answered (if possible please). I have tried the search function but cant find the answer to my questions.

    1) Activity Templates
    I would like to have these auto generate for Monthly Remote Servicing. Is this possible? (if so is there a wiki on how to do this?)

    Is it possible to attach a document to an Activity Template? We use a maintenance sheet for our remote servicing and would like to have CRM automatically attach this document to the auto-generated ticket.

    Many thanks in advance.
    Kindest regards,

    Re: Activity Templates

    Thank you for posting this and for you feedback :-)

    If you use Contracts, what you can do is create a Linked Activity Template which is linked to a Contract and then when you renew the Contracts (by copying to a new date range) the linked Activity Templates are automatically copied and applied. Full instructions for this can be found on our wiki here.

    Alternatively you could create recurring Tasks which can be easily converted to Tickets. You can read more about this on the preventive maintenance wiki page.

    Attaching a document to the Activity Template is not currently possible. You would instead have to attach the document to the Ticket after it is created.

    Hope this helps.

