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Big blue screen when loading saved windows

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    Big blue screen when loading saved windows

    I'm wondering what the purpose of the big blue rectangle is that appears while CommitCRM is loading saved windows. This blue rectangle takes focus over ANY other application and nothing is accessible until the windows are loaded.

    I don't care if it needs to load a big blue rectangle (although it seems very aesthetically unappealing) - but don't make it take focus over all of my other applications, please!

    Yes, it has seriously taken me 5 years to mention this. lol!

    Re: Big blue screen when loading saved windows

    This "rectangle" appears during the time saved windows are loaded once you start RangerMSP. Normally it shouldn't take long to load them so as you've just logged into RangerMSP anyway, the focus is on RangerMSP app anyhow. I suspect that for some reason it takes longer in your case and during that time you switch to another app... but it shouldn't take long.

    5 years..., well, this feature more than 5 years and we've never been asked about it before :-)


      Re: Big blue screen when loading saved windows

      I guess the annoying part is that if you minimize CommitCRM, the blue rectangle stays on the screen - it's as if it is disconnected from the main application. You can't move it, minimize it, or close it - and the rest of the application is not there - it's just a big blue box.

      ...don't lose any sleep over it. I'll complain again in 5 years. But it does lack "polish" if you know what I mean.


        Re: Big blue screen when loading saved windows

        Got that!

