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Auto Ticket Creation

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    Auto Ticket Creation

    I would like to ask if there are a lot or others using the auto ticket creation through
    We get a lot of correspondence through our support account and we are afraid that if we turn it on and a customer just asks a general two second question we would be dealing with hundreds of tickets.

    If so should we just start a new email address and notify customers of

    I love the theory but i know how customers are. I will email them from support and they will reply back to support in a new email and the ticket number would be gone and a new ticket created. I can think of a lot of silly things like that would cause loose balls. Maybe this is not the case and i am just worrying for nothing but wanted to talk to someone else that has it in production.

    Re: Auto Ticket Creation

    We definitely use it that way even if a client wants to send in that 2 second question. I want that question logged so we can at least see how much time or tickets a client sends in. Also as the manager I need to be able to tell that my techs worked on hundreds of 2 second tickets instead of wondering where their time is being spent because it wasn't captured in CommitCRM.

    Also for your second question, I used to have two addresses. One for the ticketing system and one that was a more general shared box. It was just too confusing for the client (understandably) to have to figure out when to use which. So we just have them send it all to our ticketing address and we'll sort it out if it needs to be.


      Re: Auto Ticket Creation

      Agreed. One address. You want to train users/clients to use one way to contact you and documenting everything is a good idea... (!)



        Re: Auto Ticket Creation

        Thanks for the advise. we have 7 engineers that go through 3 to 6 tickets a day and the support email gets 40 to 70 emails a day. Do you just have the dispatcher deal with it?
        does it create tickets for spam/non account emails?
        thanks again for the input, we will roll it out at the end of the month.

        Sorry for all the questions but we are rearranging our office (using CommitCRM completely wrong)one last one:

        Do you have your technicians close/complete the ticket or do you have a manager close/complete the ticket.


          Re: Auto Ticket Creation

          Yes our dispatcher or the techs themselves will go through them. It does not create tickets for spam unless the spam was shown as using an email address of a client listed in CommitCRM. We've never had an issue with spam generating tickets in the many years we have been using CommitCRM.

          We currently have our technicians close the tickets then they are reviewed prior to billing. Some do it this way others I have created a custom status like "Closed pending review" where the tech is done, then someone else reviews everything before setting the status to Completed.


            Re: Auto Ticket Creation

            I'd agree with what was said already. We use support@ for all correspondence to our support team (we don't prohibit direct contact but strongly discourage it and do not prioritize responses there). If a client is using your time you have account for it. You'll never be able to appropriately assign a cost on your side to the income from a client without tracking time 100%. And without knowing your true cost you can't assign a true price to your client.

            It sounds easier in theory than it is in practice but having everything go through your support address is a first step.

            We're a small shop and we allow technicians to close/complete tickets. All charges are reviewed when we move invoices to QuickBooks. Depending on how you structure your team and your size it might be worth having a manager do the close process - it could potentially allow a bookkeeper to just hit "bill" without worrying about the contents.


              Re: Auto Ticket Creation

              How our process works is that all accounts are assigned to an Assigned Tech (the Account Manager field). When a new ticket is generated (the client sends to our single helpdesk email address), it gets assigned the status of "O-QUEUED". The Assigned Tech gets an email because they are the account manager (we are hoping commit adds another field identical to the Account Manager and calls it Assigned Tech because we have both an Account Manager and Assigned Tech for each account... but that's another story). All the techs keep a very close eye on the 0-QUEUED queue and take possession of the ticket as required. I have a solid write up of our workflow in this thread (probably worth a read -- lots of good info in this one.




                Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                We dont use our support@ for auto processing. We have considered it heavily though. The issue is 40% of our business is residential and they email in crazy stuff. Most of them have no account in CommitCRM (we only use CommitCRM on the commercial side).

                We would like to start forwarding emails to tickets though. So when we get something that should be a ticket, we just sent it to ourselves and viola.

                I just have to ask commit how to make it work.


                  Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                  Here you go: How To Create Tickets On Behalf of Your Customers Using Emails.


                    Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                    That's handy!

                    We have our support mailbox mounted in outlook and simply drag and drop the email into the support inbox, which then gets syphoned off like it was sent directly to the support email addy. We will continue to use that method but this is good to know!


                      Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                      We use the same method as raymond.


                        Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                        I was looking for that article! Where is it hidden?

                        Is it setup in outlook as imap or pop?


                          Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                          Ok i just tried this and this is what I got.

                          I put the @domain in the subject, and erased all the other non important stuff from the body.


                          *** Errors occurred while processing the attached Email.
                          You should process this Email manually.

                          CommitCRM Email Connector could not determine for which Account this email message is related to because the Sender Email address of the email is defined for more than one Account (see details below). Verify that only one Account holds this Sender Email address.

                          Specific details about this issue are listed below.

                          For a complete list of duplicate email addresses please run CommitCRM client and select the following option from the menu:
                          Settings > Email Connector > Configuration Check.

                          The Account Email address is defined in the Account's 'Email' or 'Email 2' fields, or in one of the Account’s secondary Contacts.

                          Duplicate Sender Email address: was found for the following Accounts:
                          ALLPRO TECHNOLOGIES
                          Record ID: CRDLD11ZQNIN3Z79Y706

                          Record ID: CRDEEYIWPZOX4N3FMHMS

                          ----- Original Message -----
                          From: AllPro Technologies" <>
                          Sent: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 22:52:19 +0000
                          To: "" <>
                          Subject: @all6.xx

                          ----- Original Message -----
                          From: K Cook <kcook@all6.xx>
                          Sent: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:52:22 -0400
                          Subject: My printer is broken!


                            Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                            The Exchange way you mentioned is indeed also handy, the nice thing with the linked document is that the customer email can be forwarded easily from anywhere - received an email to your mobile? Gmail? anywhere else where you do not have easy access to that Exchange public folder? Forward it to the email connector and you're done!

                            The message kinda speak for itself. If more than one Account/Employee hold the very same email address the system cannot decide to which on to relate it and forward you the email to decide.

                            You have to make sure that an email address isn't listed for more than one Account.

                            While in RangerMSP visit the following menu option: Settings > RangerMSP Email Connector > Configuration Check, this should find you other similar issues for you to fix.


                              Re: Auto Ticket Creation

                              Why would the senders account matter, when I am told to put @domain in for the customer?

                              Is it because the system doesn't know how to assign the ticket to?

