continuum integration and moving tickets to different accounts --
So what happens when a ticket is moved to a different account? Does this update in continuum?
What then happens to the assets?
Support Team
Re: continuum integration and moving tickets to different accounts --
Moving a Ticket to another Account in RangerMSP has no effect on Continuum. If the Ticket was linked to a Continuum Ticket then the link will remain and closing the Ticket in one system will affect the other.
The link to an Asset in the Ticket will be removed.
In general, once the Ticket is linked to a Continuum Ticket, all updates are done based on the Ticket link and do not depend on changes to Asset or Account.
Re: continuum integration and moving tickets to different accounts --
Not sure if I was clear and we understand that tickets are controlled by Commit.
Sites in Continuum are mapped to Accounts in Commit. If an alert is initiated by Continuum for site ABC then a ticket is assigned to Account ABC in Commit. If we then re-assign the ticket in Commit to Account XYZ, does the ticket in Continuum get updated to reflect the proper site (or will it remain linked to site ABC and not the correct site XYZ)?
Support Team
Re: continuum integration and moving tickets to different accounts --
The ticket in Continuum will remain linked to the original site ABC. Changing Ticket Account in RangerMSP doesn't change Ticket site in Continuum.
Note that you can move ticket in RangerMSP to Account that is not linked to any site in Continuum.