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Color code based on the Ticket priority

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    Color code based on the Ticket priority

    RangerMSP User Question*

    How can we color code a record/line/column based on the priority of that ticket?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Color code based on the Ticket priority


    In the latest version, RangerMSP 8, the Priority column of Tickets is already color coded when the priority is High or Immediate. It uses the same color as is used when displayed the Ticket Preview tab.


      Re: Color code based on the Ticket priority

      Could we get the entire row colored? Would that be possible? Sometimes people have the priority field hidden.


        Re: Color code based on the Ticket priority

        It shows on the priority column only, and for a reason - to keep the ticket line text readable. Text in red (etc.) tend to be much readable, especially in a table/grid, so you should probably move the priority column to the left, even if you just show a small portion of it.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Color code based on the Ticket priority

          Is there a way to make all the text in the row red? (As opposed to a single column)


            Re: Color code based on the Ticket priority

            No, it only colors the text of the priority field.

