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QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

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    QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

    We use classes in QB to track income / expenses by division.

    When we make a QB invoice in CommitCRM, it is made without any class defined. We can change the class for the invoice template with the drop drown, but it doesn't apply to all the individual charges.

    Is there a way to have CommitCRM apply the class to QB, so we don't have to manually edit every charge on every invoice?

    Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

    RangerMSP does not send Class information to QuickBooks and in general QuickBooks uses its own defaults for Items used in Invoice lines (assuming you have your RangerMSP Items linked to the parallel QuickBooks Items).

    Does your version of QuickBooks supports configuring a default Class at the Item level?


      Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

      It does support class at the item level but we don't use it because most items span classes.

      We need to have class information in CommitCRM so it can be sent with the invoice.


        Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

        ​RangerMSP relies on QuickBooks and cannot assign classes to QuickBooks Invoice lines. The way to try is with a default class in QuickBooks per Item and have QuickBooks assign that default when the invoice is created.


          Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

          Being able to select QB Classes when pushing Invoices from CommitCRM in some way would be awesome! We also use classes and have to go back through and manually class every invoice after pushing it.

          While we're hoping, would also be nice to be able to select the Template being used at the same time.


            Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

            Was QB Classes issue resolved since November 2014? We are also looking for option to select Class when pushing Invoices to QB.


              Re: QB Sync | Transfer customer customer or invoice class

              Supporting QuickBooks classes is on the wish list and I've added your vote for it. It'll be considered and evaluated for future versions. Thanks for asking.

