RangerMSP User Question*
Could you tell me if the labor charges can link so that the time that is in the calendar is what pulls into the labor charge?
Currently it appears that when you create a labor charge you have to enter the time for the charge or you can set up the timer to pull in time to labor charge. We want to have the labor charge pull in the time from the calendar or schedule ticket – is that possible?
* Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.
Could you tell me if the labor charges can link so that the time that is in the calendar is what pulls into the labor charge?
Currently it appears that when you create a labor charge you have to enter the time for the charge or you can set up the timer to pull in time to labor charge. We want to have the labor charge pull in the time from the calendar or schedule ticket – is that possible?
* Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.