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Billing with Quickbooks

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    Billing with Quickbooks

    RangerMSP User Question*

    Is there a way to quickly send all unbilled invoices to Quickbooks, like a batch transfer? How would I go about doing that?

    Also is there a way to search for closed/open tickets that have unbilled charges?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Billing with Quickbooks


    Yes, definitely, first you should visit the File > New > QuickBooks Invoice... Window, that Window lets you see any open charges (e.g. billable ones that haven't yet got invoice). And - you have full control of the level of invoicing here - you can select to see Accounts with open balances (and invoice them), Contracts with open balances or even Tickets. More about this option here.

    Besides, based on the same logic above, you can even batch-invoice to QuickBooks, just be careful initially as it generates many invoices with just a few clicks, and there's no undo... to activate it use the File > New > QuickBooks Batch Invoice Wizard option. More about this option here.

