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Contract pricing

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    Contract pricing

    RangerMSP User Question*

    How can I set a new default global contract or edit the pricing for the global system contract? I have a 30% discount on certain users and would like to be able to have one contract that applies to them all rather than created multiple contracts if possible.
    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Contract pricing


    The Global System Contracts means that the system list price and rates will be used. There isn't a "real" Contract that is the Global System one but instead this is an alias to say - use standard Item pricing and Employee hourly rates.

    The way for you to get close to this is to build such a Contract under your business Account, and then use the Copy option of Custom Pricing settings in order to import these specific Custom-Pricing settings from the "template" Contract and to the Contract you create under the new Customer (or the Custom Pricing of the Account itself).

