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Adding CC'd recipients to the ticket

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    Adding CC'd recipients to the ticket

    RangerMSP User Question*

    We have regular emails coming in to our ticket email address, where usually they are direct to us and not CC’d to anyone else.

    However, more and more, clients are CC’ing their colleagues in the email, for now, we try and spot this, then manually add the extra CC’d persons to the email recipients, click save.

    But, this is becoming a pain, is there a way of RangerMSP automatically spotting these additional email addresses on incoming emails and automatically adding them to the ticket email recipient list?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Adding CC'd recipients to the ticket


    Yes, this is quite new but it is supported! You can configure the system to automatically add such recipients that were included in the initial email using ServerConfig utility as explained here.

    Once configured, RESTART RangerMSP Server service on your server.

