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Tracking renewals

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    Tracking renewals

    RangerMSP User Question*

    Do you have a recommended way to track renewals for things like Anti-Virus subscriptions, etc. in RangerMSP?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Tracking renewals


    You should add Anti-Virus subscriptions and similar subscription products, as Assets under the relevant Account and set their 'Warranty expiration date' to track renewals.

    Once the warranty has expired the Asset will be displayed in red and a warning message will pop when creating a new Ticket and linking it to such an expired Asset.

    In addition, you can add a Task under the Asset's Pending tab, set its date to the Warranty expiration date and set the reminder so it will display a pop up message for you to contact the customer for renewal.

    Please click to read more about tracking Asset Warranties.

    You can also run periodic reports (by week, month, year, etc). If you have the Report Scheduler module you can also schedule reports to be emailed to you automatically listing all Assets that are about to expire.

    Hope this helps.

