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Timer Question

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    Timer Question

    RangerMSP User Question*

    One question I have is that I will go on site to a customer and handle multiple tickets. Say for example I have 4 tickets at one location. Is there a way to start a single timer when I get to the location and then close the timer when I leave and attached the 4 tickets to the one timer? This will save a lot of time and produce a more efficient system than starting and stopping 4 different timers when each ticket is completed.

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Timer Question


    Timers as well as Charges relate to a single Ticket. However a Charge can be added at the Account/customer level without even specifying the Ticket.

    You can start new Timers from many places including the Account (and Ticket, etc.) Window. You may want to include all related ticket numbers insider of the Charge description, this can be typed in to the Timer Description field or directly to the Charge, whatever works better for you. The Timer Description is automatically copied to the Charge Description.

    In case you start the Timer from the Ticket Window - no worries, the linked Ticket number can be removed once the Timer is converted into a Charge.

    Having said all that, the best practice is to log different Charges under the different Tickets, unlike one for all, however, in some cases it isn't ideal and this is why linking a Charge to a Ticket is optional.

    Hope this helps.

