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Adding Asset Very Slow

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    Adding Asset Very Slow

    Hi. CommitCRM runs at an acceptable speed over my network with one glaring exception. It take a full 45 seconds to add an asset. The 'New Asset' box pops up quickly, but after I press OK the hourglass spins for 45 seconds. I just timed it. Any suggestions?

    Re: Adding Asset Very Slow

    That's strange... As other things work as expected it's harder to tell. In short you should white list the RangerMSP folder tree from anti-virus scans. You can also try changing the desktop shortcut for RangerMSP from a drive-letter or named-UNC path to an IP based shortcut to the file on the server and see whether it helps. In case it does not - please email us your RangerMSP log files with Outlook using the Help > Technical Support menu in RangerMSP for review. Maybe something related will be logged there.


