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Recurring Tickets

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    Recurring Tickets


    Would like to find out what is the most appropriate way of creating recurring tickets?

    Our client accounts are on recurring yearly contracts but we need to recreate monthly recurring tickets - how can this be done?

    Re: Recurring Tickets

    Thank you for posting this.

    You can implement this using Activity Templates.
    Create an Activity Template for Contracts, include Tickets entries under this template to be created when the template is applied. Then, link this template to the Contract.
    When Contract is renewed each month, the Activity Template will automatically be applied and Tickets, set in the templates, will be created automatically.
    The same will work when using Batch Copy of Contracts.

    As an alternative you can manually apply the Activity Template separately for each Contract.

    Hope this helps.

    (Update from RangerMSP Team: the new Recurring Tickets feature was introduced in RangerMSP 20.)

