Would it be helpful for you to be able to email a charge detail?
( Currently I send screenshots, easy enough, but would prefer to be able to email it. I understand a PDF can be generated and emailed, but that's too much work and effort, especially on the technician's end who is offsite, working with customers)
I submitted a request to CommitCRM a few months ago and with enough interest maybe it can bump up on the feature list.
Please +1 if you think it would be a useful feature.
( Currently I send screenshots, easy enough, but would prefer to be able to email it. I understand a PDF can be generated and emailed, but that's too much work and effort, especially on the technician's end who is offsite, working with customers)
I submitted a request to CommitCRM a few months ago and with enough interest maybe it can bump up on the feature list.
Please +1 if you think it would be a useful feature.