I want to have a page on our website where customers can type in a ticket number and their zip code to get the status of their tickets.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Re: Ticket Status API
Yes, you have two options. Use the web API or ODBC.
ODBC probably won't work unless you host your website on a Windows server and have local access to your database.
Web API: [urlmp=/wiki/API_Developers_Guide#Web_API[/urlmp]. It's not really documented, but you can use this from a web programming language too. I can send you some code samples.
The simplest process, honestly, might be to host a status page internally. Then you can query via ODBC. That status page could be queried from your public site and return it's data as JSON or just txt or whatever. You could even get fancy and allow customers to add notes to their ticket.
Re: Ticket Status API
I have made that as a server side plugin.
I will put it on my webpage soon. http://itognet.dk
Re: Ticket Status API
@ itognet, when will it be available?
@lpopejoy, I didnt see a real "how to" in the API documentation. But since i have no idea what im looking for maybe it is there.