I would like to create a book for each of my clients which provides information, logins and passwords and brief data about their network.
Can I do this with Commitcrm?
Support Team
Re: Documenting a network
Thank you for posting this.
Sure, you can add this information under Account Structured Note. Using this feature you can create a template with entries that can be easily added to another Account later.
Would it be a challenge for MSP to managed these platform?
PSA = CommitCRM
Knowledgebase, SOP = Siportal
We have cross the platform to from the puzzle as a picture.
Cloud version of siportal is better or On-Premise?
We are using LogicNow as RMM and CommitCRM as PSA.
Stanley Ng
Re: Documenting a network
Hi Commit,
How do we differentiate the usage of "Account Structure Note" and "Configuration Note"?
Thank You
Support Team
Re: Documenting a network
We're not 100% following you here. Configuration Notes are used to manage, track and follow the entire configuration of a specific Asset. You can use configuration templates or custom add configuration entries as needed.
So - configuration notes are only available for Assets and are meant for configuration management.
The Account Structure Note is some else. This can be used to manage information that you wish to track at the customer account level - anything from sales related, categorizations, or anything else that you wish to track and manage at the customer level. Think of it as an option to easily manage custom fields for customer Accounts.
Stanley Ng
Re: Documenting a network
Hi Commit,
Thanks for the reply.
I wasn't used this features, I will try a few more times to get used to it.