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New in RangerMSP 12 - Use Saved Filters in Reports

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    New in RangerMSP 12 - Use Saved Filters in Reports

    Filtering criteria in reports can be saved and used the next time when generating reports instead of setting parameters for report each time.

    You can benefit from the following Filter features when generating reports:
    • Share filters with others and use filters saved by others.

    • Predefined template filters are available, such as :
      Closed Tickets without any logged charges.
      Accounts with Assets expiring next month.
      Accounts with expiring Contracts.
      Tickets which are open over 24 hours.

    • Filtering criteria is printed on a dedicated first page in the report.

    • Define filter with non-expiring date-time based conditions that can be used everyday without having to manually set the values each time. For example define:
      Tickets created yesterday
      Tickets that are due tomorrow
      Contracts that expire this week
      Assets expiring next month
