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modal popup on CommitCRM

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    modal popup on CommitCRM

    UI experience Recommendation: Could it be made so that if there is a CommitCRM modal dialog box in the background, and you click on the main program, that the modal dialog be brought to the foreground?

    I've had many a frustrating scenario where it appears that the CommitCRM program is locked-up or frozen, but in reality it popped up a modal dialog box, but it is hidden behind the main program window, and you have to alt-tab to get to the popup in order to close it and make the program usable again.


    Re: modal popup on RangerMSP

    Thank you for suggesting it, and it is interesting that this scenario happens to you. In general a modal window is managed by Windows at the per-app basis, so practically I'm not sure whether offering a "button" to bring it back is realistic because Windows might block that button too.
    In any case, this is an interesting idea and report about an issue. We'll take a note of this suggestion and will also try to replicate that scenario. Thanks!

