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Status board view column totals

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    Status board view column totals

    It would be nice if the total number of tickets showed up next to the column heading:

    New(16) Scheduled(10) In Work(27) etc.

    The number should dynamically change based on the currernt view (everyone, specific person, etc.

    The configurable boxed on the side are nice, but there isn't room for everything, and it doesn't dynamically change based on the view.

    Re: Status board view column totals

    Thank you for your feedback. This is interesting and I see how it may help, in some cases. There's another side for it - for example, if you temporary have a filter activated, or a ticket search active, etc. - having the numbers filtered would mean that you won't see what's going on right now. For example, you won't see that the New ticket counter increased and that there are new tickets pending, simply because you filtered the current list. I can think of many other similar confusing scenarios is. Nevertheless, this is a good feedback and we'll try to evaluate it from all possible angles. Thanks.


      Re: Status board view column totals

      Even if the view was filtered, would the total tickets in that category still be correct?


        Re: Status board view column totals

        The counters on the left navigation panel (after the status names) are not affected by the search or filter applied in the Tickets window.

        With your suggestion - the counters at the column headers on the board views (next to status or employee names) would probably change based on the selected employee/s and the applied filter.


          Re: Status board view column totals

          I think that is perfectly fine if the number changes based on the filter selected. I would consider that expected behavior!

