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Send email based on ticket status extension

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    Send email based on ticket status extension

    We would like to send certain emails to customers based on their extended ticket status.

    For example, if a ticket is set to "dispatched" we would like CommitCRM to send an email that talks about saving all your open documents, running your backup, having machines fully charged, and other basic information.

    We figure use the email templates, and tie them to the extended status.

    Is this possible?

    Re: Send email based on ticket status extension

    Thank you for posting this.

    Email Alerts to Customers are currently triggered on newly created ticket, on closing a ticket and on status changes.

    Alerts on any/selected status changes are based on the same settings and use a single Email Template.

    It seams that you are looking to be able to define different alert settings for each/some Ticket statuses. We will take a note on this.


      Re: Send email based on ticket status extension

      There aren't enough top level ticket status, so we'd like to have email alerts sent based on extended status as well.

      What we really need (in this case) is a ticket status of "dispatched" which is different from scheduled. Scheduled could be a phone meeting. Dispatched means a tech is going out and that requires different information to be sent to them.


        Re: Send email based on ticket status extension

        Noted as well.

