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Incorrect time calculation in Charge

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    Incorrect time calculation in Charge


    I had this problem with my original version of CommitCRM back in 2009 and I see that it continues to this day in version CommitCRM frequently, but randomly, cannot count Time Spent between the From and To times in a Charge. Saw it again today when I clicked Charge from the timer, then updated the From/To to show 11:00 to 11:30. CommitCRM thinks that is 29 minutes or 0.48 hours. If I manually re-create the charge, it appears correctly as 30 minutes and 0.5 hours.

    Is there a fix for this other than manually double-checking each charge?


    Re: Incorrect time calculation in Charge

    Similarly, we've noticed in version 18;

    • Random timers aren’t showing the start end times of the jobs after pressing charge
    • If we have a timer running and we start a new one, the inactive timer keeps running


      Re: Incorrect time calculation in Charge

      @mcbsys - We have managed to find the scenario you described and it seems to be related to rounding the 'To' time while the Spent Time is not-rounded. We plan to review this behavior. Thank you for reporting this.

      @skidmarx101 -
      The actual Start and End times may not set when converting a Timer into a Charge in case the Timer was paused one or more times before conveted into a Charge. Auto-filling such times in such cases would not represent the actual start/end times and therefore the Time Spent and Hours Amount fields are populated automatically.

      Depending on the user personal setting the system will allow running multiple active timers or will verify that only one of the timer is active at any given time. This is configured under Tools > Options > Timer tab.

      Hope this helps!


        Re: Incorrect time calculation in Charge

        Thank you for the reply. Somehow I was not notified or I missed the notice.

        Can you explain under what circumstances time is rounded? Since the app only displays minutes, my expectation is that calculations are based on whole minutes.


          Re: Incorrect time calculation in Charge

          It happens when adding the charge from a Timer in some very specific cases because the Timer is based and counts time at the seconds level.
          For example, if the timer had been running from 11:00 til 11:29:40, when adding a Charge, the To time value is rounded to 11:30, but the Time Spent will show 00:29, e.g. not rounded - this shows in minutes.
          The Hours amount, that is a part of the charge, may also display a value that is not rounded (0.48 hours, decimal) or will be rounded based on your personal rounding settings.
          The above may be too technical and to variation is up to one minute. In any case it does happen in some specific cases, it is accurate, too accurate maybe, but it nevertheless not be the exact way it would have ideally show the values. We plan try to approach this in a future release.
          Hope this helps.


            Re: Incorrect time calculation in Charge

            Thank you.

            In your example, I would expect Time Spent to be rounded up as well.

            It gets even stranger. If you use the timer from 4:00:05 to 4:00:55, the From/To shows 4:00, Time Spent is blank, and Hours shows 0.1. Why isn't To rounded up to 4:01 in this case?

            I guess you could show seconds in From/To/Time Spent, but then I'd want a global option to round to the minute level.

