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Adding new item within a quote

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    Adding new item within a quote

    Hi CommitCRM,

    we need the ability when producing a quote that allows us to be able to free form change a product selling price and cost price.

    eg. if we do a New Quote Line and choose a desktop PC as a generic product, which we can then go an adjust to refelct the configuration (ie i7/256gb/8Gb), we then want to be able to enter the price to sell at but also a price which is a cost price that will get recorded for the specific quote.
    when we go to add a new Quote line and click + (to add a new item that hasn't been previously added), the background screen takes us to "add a new item" however the NEW QUOTE LINE window remains open and we are unable to do anything in the Add a New Item window.

    Re: Adding new item within a quote

    Thank you for posting this.

    Do you mean that the 'New Item' window is opened behind the 'New Quote Line' window?

    If that is the case then we suspect that you might have found a glitch. In order to solve this, please go to Tools > Options > Display tab and unselect the option 'Automatically open data entry Windows in advanced mode' as shown on the screenshot below.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Adding new item within a quote

      Thank you

