When exporting to excel the address line has the street address, city, state and zip on all one line instead of seperate fields. Is there a way to have them all in seperate fields?
Thank you
Support Team
Re: Export to Excel
When using the standard export to Excel (i.e. Table Export) the fields being exported are the ones listed in the table. In the case of Accounts the address fields are merged into one field and this is why it exported this way.
What you should do is to use the Advanced Export option.
When viewing the Accounts list click on the Export drop down menu on the toolbar (it has an Excel like icon), then select Advance Data Export (you can also find this option in Tools > Import&Export > Export).
A wizard will open where you can select the fields to export (any of the fields, not just the ones displayed in the list). Select the address fields to export (they are separated when using the advanced data export option) and the other fields you want to export (like name, company name etc.).